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Insatllation Problem

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    Insatllation Problem

    I dont get an error message or anything but when i try to boot or install kubuntu my computer freezes right where it says "Mounting Root file system..." i really dont have any clue on where to go or what to do after this it seems i have just reached a dead end... Anyone have a suggestion??

    Re: Insatllation Problem

    Before we can help you we need to know some things from you. First have you already installed Kubuntu, or is this happening when you install the disk?

    Second, perhaps this should be first, which disk are you using to install Kubuntu? Is it the "Desktop (live CD) disk or the Alternate Installer disk? Are you REALLY trying to install Dapper(Kubuntu 6-06.1) or are you actually installing Edgy (Kubuntu 6-10)?

    Third, did you verify the md5sum of the iso file that you downloaded? After burning the CDR (at a conservative speed), did you check the md5sums of ALL the individual programs on the disk?

    Fourth, if you have already installed Kubuntu, can you still boot from the CD, (if you used the live CD)?

    Finally, what are the characteristics of your computer? What kind of CPU chip do you have? How much RAM do you have? If you have already installed, how much disk space did you allocate for Kubuntu?

