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Installer fails to see my SATA drive

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    Installer fails to see my SATA drive

    I tried to install Kubuntu Dapper Drake in my Athlon 3000+ Asus mobo A8V-VM with Seagate SATA drive (160 GB) / Samsung 40 GB IDE HDD.
    The installaer recogises the IDE HDD but not the SATA drive.

    Please guide me to install Kubuntu on SATA.

    Re: Installer fails to see my SATA drive

    First of all, you might have better luck with the (newer) "Edgy Eft", Kubuntu 6-10 release, although I don't recall any general problem with the Dapper installer concerning SATA drives.

    Second, in order to help you, we are going to need some specific information. Is this a dual boot with M$, or with another Linux distribution? Are you trying to install from the "Desktop" (live) CD, or the "Alternate" installer CD? The Alternate Installer is much more flexible than the Desktop Installer, but, because it is more flexible, it requires more knowledge of Linux to use. Which drive is listed as the first hard drive in your BIOS boot order list?


      Re: Installer fails to see my SATA drive

      Its a dual boot with XP and Zenwalk/Mandriva/Puppy (all linux in sda5,6,7 with sda as swap) while XP is in hda1.
      I tried with Kubuntu Dapper Drake Live Cd.
      Primary ide (hda1) is the first boot drive.


        Re: Installer fails to see my SATA drive

        The "Desktop" (live) CD will always try to install to the boot drive. It's been a while (a few days after Dapper was released) since I did a full install with the Desktop CD, so I don't remeber whether it even gives you the choice of installing to another drive. Based on your post, I'd guess that it doesn't.

        You seem to have some experience with Linux, so I would advise trying to install Kubuntu with the Alternate CD. That will allow you to choose where to install and where to put Grub. If I were you, I'd tell it to put Grub in some suitably obscure location and then copy the resulting Kubuntu stanzas into your REAL /boot/grub/menu.lst file. For details (if you need them) that technique was written up a while ago (in the November, 2005 issue of Tux Magazine).


          Re: Installer fails to see my SATA drive

          I will give it a try.
          In the meanwhile, I downloaded the alpha version of Ulteo-Sirius and it was installed without any hitch on my SATA drive.

