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Kubuntu 6.06

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    Kubuntu 6.06

    Hi all. Am still trying to install 6.06. Machine is:
    P4,2.8G,1Gm,80G hd with Mandrake 9.2 installed and running fine.
    Have tried MANY times to install Cd.s sent direct from Kunbuntu on my machine. All with thes same results. No go.

    I am a newbies newbie but the Mandrake distro went in without any problems. Put CD in machine and turned on computer. Started and ran the install. If I am following the doc right on the 6.06 , looks like it should do the same.

    All I get is " Loading the Kernel , OK ". That's it. I can leave the machine on for an hour with the same results. What the hell am I missing or doing wrong?

    Let me say that I have NO problems letting 6.06 trash the 9.2 but I never even get to that issue.

    Any help will be appreciated as I am about to give up on Kubuntu.

    Re: Kubuntu 6.06

    Does the Live CD boot to the desktop, or are you bypassing that?

    An idea - when you first start up the CD there will be a menu, chose the Memtest86 option, let it run for a bit to test your ram.

    What other hardware do you have on your computer - particularly the video card? Another problem area is sound cards, one computer I tried Ubuntu on wouldn't load the installer until I removed my Sound Blaster card (which is a piece of junk anyway).

    Mandriva Linux, the folks that make Mandrake includes a lot of proprietary software and drivers. I'm sure some of that makes it's way into Mandrake. All the RPM distributions seem to support hardware a little differently than the Debian based distributions.

    It could be they have support for some bit of your hardware out of the box that K/Ubuntu doesn't include because of it's free only policy.

    If that is the case, you could try the alternate install CD. This is quite a bit less graphical and more forgiving of hardware problems. Once you are up and running you can resolve any hardware problems. I personally find the alternate install to be easier to understand than the standard install.

    Another route would be to do the server only install. This is *very* forgiving of hardware problems. After the install you could begin to install the graphical system and see if you can spot where (if it does) it hangs up.

    One of my computers has a very ATI card which was just a pain to install. The card itself may be failing - or could just be ATI - it's a pain in the ass to install in Windows to.

    I accidentally installed Breezy instead of Dapper late one night - and the ATI card worked out of the box! :-) I then upgraded to Dapper over the internet and everything worked Jim Dandy.

    If all that looks to daunting, you could just decide to stay with the rpm based distributions, such as SUSE, Madrake or Red Hat.


      Re: Kubuntu 6.06

      Thanks fr the input podunk. I have a ver of Ubuntu also direct from Ubuntu also, Same thing. The doc says " Put CD in drive and turn machine on. It's suppose to be a no brainer. Guss I have no brain.


        Re: Kubuntu 6.06

        You've got a brain - likely a very good one if you can install Mandrake. The problem is very likely a hardware conflict of some sort.

        Will a Windows or Mandrake install CD boot? Why don't you check that just to make sure your CD drive doesn't have a problem.

        There is a very good reason that there are so many distributions of Linux, and you and I are 2 of them. :-) I had a hell of a time with Red Hat (which mandrake is loosely based on) and that's one of the reasons I'm here.

        Try to use the alternate CD installer or do the server install and see what happens. In between the Kubuntu and Ubuntu forums I bet you'll get up and running.

        Also there are several Debian based distros that implement hardware differently than Ubuntu. For instance I've downloaded Mint Linux (which is basically Ubuntu with drivers) which I may install on my test machine one of these days. Why don't you give that one a try? Debian might also work for you - they don't release as often as K/Ubuntu and it lacks the bleeding edge excitement of Ubuntu, but it's a good distro with a well established support community.


          Re: Kubuntu 6.06

          Maybe I should put it this way. Has ANYONE had success trying to install 6.06 with the CD's that Ubuntu sends free on a machine with only one HD that has Mandrake 9.2 installed. If so HOW?

