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Partition problem

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    Partition problem


    I just downloaded Kubuntu, i am typing this post from the Live CD now, but the problem is, when i try to install it, everything goes well up to scanning the partitions, and then the installer crashes. I also went into K menu, System and launched QTParted, and then clicked on the HDD, /dec/hdb, then it came up with getting info about partitions or something like that, and i think when it got to /dec/hdb7, QTParted also crashes and exits

    I am going to Dual boot with windows XP, but i don't thing this is the problem, Windows XP is on the C: Primary partition, the Swap space will be on a 667Mb partition that is also a primary partition, and there is about 14gb of free space that will be the partition for linux, the partition linux will be installed on is a Logical Partition.

    Will T

    Re: Partition problem

    have you tried downloading from another mirror I had the same problem when I first switched to the k environment.


      Re: Partition problem

      No, i know it is not the mirrors, because the Dapper Drake 6.06 version i used that has the same problem was downloaded quite a while ago, and i succesfully installed Kubuntu onto my computer with it, but now, it wont work , maybe a problem with the partition table?

      This is my current partition setup (taken from Paragon Partition Manager)


        Re: Partition problem

        It looks like you have got your swap partition as first on the disk - this is not a good idea. Windows wants to be there. Delete that partition, shrink one of your logical drives and put it into your extended partition

        Here is a good site for dual booters

        Also - use the alternate installer - its much easier to use for dual booting (my opinion)


          Re: Partition problem

          Ok, its not the Linux Swap partition that is causing the problem though as i deleted the swap partition and then tried installing it again. Doesent the Alternative isntaller use a different Desktop, because i want to sue KDE.

          The Logical Drivers are in the Extended, ones out of the Extended are names as Primary, and ones in Extended are Logical, thats what it's like anyway with Paragon Partition Manager.

          I was talking to someone yesterday, and they seem to think that it is a Faulty/Bad Partition Table.

          Also, on my old computer with Celeron 1.2ghz and Intel 810i Mobo, i am on Prepare Mount Points, and i pressed continue, and nothing is happening, its just stayingon the loading cicle thing and not even going to the next step...


            Re: Partition problem

            If its a Kubuntu disk it uses KDE - the lternate installer is text based and gives you more control - it installs the same thing.

            Investigate your partition table to see if its reporting errors, in your CD go into a terminal and type sudo fdisk /dev/hda (assuming that you have 1 IDE drive) then when it asks for a command type v (for verify) I it reports errors other than just unallocated sectors then you have a problem.


              Re: Partition problem

              thanks i got the i386 dvd version and i got it installed on my old comp, i will try it on my main computer, i thought the alternate installer used sme xfce desktop or w/e it was called

