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setup autostartx and logout to shutdown

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    setup autostartx and logout to shutdown

    Couple of nights ago I installed and used Automatix for the first time. It's on a fresh install of Kubuntu Dapper. When finished, and attempted to restart the computer, after clicking the logout button in the "start" menu, the logout/shutdown dialog box had only a logout option, and using it, only logged out back to a fill-screen terminal window - ie, logged out of X. I had to do a sudo halt to shutdown.

    When I then rebooted, it didn't auto startx as after the initial installation, but I had to do a manual startx from the command line.

    One of my Automatix selections was updating KDE, so maybe that's probably the root of the problem.

    I've posted to the Automatix Dapper forum, and also to the Ubuntu section of LinuxQuestions, but traffic seems slow, and no replies so far.

    Can anybody tell me how to set it up to automatically startx? I also set the convenience option to auto-login, but I think I know how to do that in KDE.

    Also, what do I need to do to get the "turn off computer" and "restart computer" options when I logout?

    Optiker<br /><br />Alienware Area 51<br />P4 3.2 GHz, 4 GB RAM<br />NVIDIA GEFORCE 6800, 256 MB<br />Windows XP Home

    Re: setup autostartx and logout to shutdown

    Sorry for the delayed response. Automatix is NOT officially supported and you're beginning to see why not. It usually doesn't gum things up too badly, if it's the first thing that you do after installation. My objection to it is that, if you're new enough to Kubuntu or Linux to want to use it, you're probably not experienced enough to recognize the necessary repairs when it doesn't work properly. In other words, the only people who should use Automatix are lazy gurus.

    X should start automatically on boot. If it didn't there's something wrong with the configuration of your xserver, so you'll have to reconfigure it. Start in the second choice on the boot menu (Recovery Mode). This will put you in a full screen, black and white console. Enter the command "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". You can probably use the default settings for almost everything, if your system worked the very first time you booted up Linux. If it didn't, we'll need more details to help you get going.

    Also, what do I need to do to get the "turn off computer" and "restart computer" options when I logout?
    K>"System Settings">Advanced>"Session Manager">General--"Offer shutdown options".
    And K>"System Settings">Advanced>"Login Manager">Shutdown>"Allow shutdown">Local>Everybody

    There are a few other interesting choices (pitfalls) in those two modules, as well. For example, don't allow either remote shutdowns or automatic logins.


      Re: setup autostartx and logout to shutdown

      Likewise - sorry for the delayed response.

      Unfortunately, I gave up, or your reply might have gotten me on the right track. I decided to start over and try to reinstall Kubuntu.

      I've lost track of how many times I've tried to do that now - both desktop and alternate - and failed. I have started a later thread with the symptoms, but have had no replies here. That thread is at There have been several replies to my thread on that subject on LinuxQuestions, but none that's gotten it working yet. I have now given up - at least temporarily while I address other issues with my primary computer - the one that's the subject of this and the other thread is my secondary computer.

      So, for the time being, that Kubuntu installation is on the back burner - thanks to Automatix. Rest assured I'll never try to use it again.

      Thanks for taking the time to reply!
      Optiker<br /><br />Alienware Area 51<br />P4 3.2 GHz, 4 GB RAM<br />NVIDIA GEFORCE 6800, 256 MB<br />Windows XP Home

