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freeze before login (only kubuntu boot display)

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    freeze before login (only kubuntu boot display)

    Hi.. I've got a problem
    After install kubuntu dapper, i configurating the GRUB menu with command : sudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst and configurating fstab because i'm windows user and want dual boot. After all i reboot for the effect. first time login is OK. but after shutdown the computer and normal booting, there is appear only kubuntu boot display (logo and dead process bar) adn won't to login GUI.. and computer not react anything
    Is this a bug? or i must switch user back to user (not root) after configurating?
    please help about this problem ........
    ps : i've reinstall twice about this problem
    Thank a lot for all on this forum.

    form ModsBack (newbie's)

    Re: freeze before login (only kubuntu boot display)

    hey we suffer from the same problem kind of

    since i changed my resolution modline and stuff i got that to
    backup wont work either

    sadly i dont have a solution

    someone please help us


    ok i read a litte bit about this now

    try pressing strg + alt + f1 when ur stuck, u should get into a terminal
    then type:
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
    then start x with:
    if it reports any errors try to solve them

    ok now im back in kde but one problem remains for me
    at boot im still frozen at the splash screen
    it will only start with changing to a terminal and startx


    ok if i want to start x with xgl ill get a error message:
    waiting for X server to shut down FreeFontPath: PPE "/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc"
    refcount is 2, should be 1, fixing.

    now what is that ?


      Re: freeze before login (only kubuntu boot display)

      I'm had solved this problem from my friend who have more experience. My friend analyze my PC and check my xserver in recovery mode and his got notice that xserver-xorg is missing. So i manual download from internet, xserver-xorg and manual install that file on recovery mode. Problem solved.

