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Panic On Installation.....HELP

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    Panic On Installation.....HELP

    I have searched the forum, but didn't find anything very helpful to me. I have an older Compaq desktop computer that was sitting around for maybe 3 years, and had Windows 95 on it. I went into the BIOS to see what kind of system I had. It is saying I have 640 KB of System Memory, 15360 KB of Extended Memory, and I don't know if this is the hard drive size or not, couldn't locate it specifically, but it says Primary Master Max Capacity is 2112 MB. When I try to boot off of a Kubuntu CD it reads the CD fine and there is no problem. Then it loads the kernal, again no problem. Then I see "ACPI: Unable to locate RSDP". Then it loads a couple of files, then I get "panic- no syncing : Attepmted to kill init". I am new to Linux, have never used it before but have heard great things about it compared to Windows. I don't want to run the CD on my Windows XP desktop, as I have a lot of stuff stored on there, and don't want to slow down this computer anymore than it already is. But if anyone knows of anything that might be of use for me to try please feel free to offer suggestions. I have messed with the BIOS a little bit, but nothing worked. There is no ACPI in my Bios, just a PCI. Tried disabling that, as well as plug and play devices. Please feel free to help me, and keep it as simple as possible, I know enough about computers, but probably not near as much as anyone else on here does. Thanks in advance!
    Also, Is this enough memory/hard drive space to run Kubuntu or do I need to locate a smaller version of Linux to run on this computer. If I need a smaller version of Linux, anyone have any recommendations?

    Re: Panic On Installation.....HELP

    Well I got passed the no RSDP by hitting F6 to enter boot options and entered no acpi. Then I get a little further than before but I still see
    "Panic -not syncing: Attemted to kill init" Anyone know what this means and how to get passed it. And if I would need to enter another boot option how would you enter two options?

