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Help!!! NO screeen!!!!!!!!

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    Help!!! NO screeen!!!!!!!!

    I have dapper on my hd dual with xp all is well i get into consol mode when i start my kubuntu with grub. It asks for my user plus pass all is well. then i do startx. then a bunch of stuff comes then it says no screens found!! i tried sudo dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg command it works until i choose coulur bit then i trpe yes in command then all i get is.
    down. Is it a graphic card porblems or something ?? i need help!!!



    Re: Help!!! NO screeen!!!!!!!!

    Which graphics card are you using?
    Which monitor/display are you using?

    Possible for you to copy & paste:
    * /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    * /var/log/Xorg.0.log

    If you can paste them here. I know you might not be able to, especially if you can't get into X at all. If you can't, then do:

    less /var/log/Xorg.0.log
    find all of the lines marked with EE and try to report them here. This will help in troubleshooting your setup.

    Sorry you are having this problem, but if possible, it would be great to help you get it up and rocking. Thanks!
    Richard Johnson (nixternal)<br />Core Developer :: MOTU :: MOTU Council :: Community Council<br /><br />


      Re: Help!!! NO screeen!!!!!!!!

      hi im using an ati radeon 7000. I belive this is a probelm ive read... Im using a dell lcd screen its a dell 1503Fp flat panel color monitor. The commands do nothing.

      Il tell you wats on the screen after i type startx. (this isnt everhting just the summary)

      thers user...passpwrd...all good...then it says x windows syetem versoin 7.1.1 then release date. then it tells me the legend i quess. then it says (ww) radeon no matching device section then (ee) no devives detected.

      fatal server error:
      no screens found
      then x10 fatal error Io 104

      thanks for the help




        Re: Help!!! NO screeen!!!!!!!!

        Hey Mike,

        I admire your persistence! I've read all your post and you've been on an epic Journey.

        Could you give post the specs of your computer please? I know you have 128 megs of RAM for instance, and 15 gigs of hard disk to work with.

        What kind of CPU do you have, and how fast is it?

        I have a 9200 Radeon and it was very difficult to get it to work. ATI doesn't support our cards any more, so it's hard to find drivers that work.

        For instance ATI recomends that we use DRI drivers and Xfree86 xservers. I tried this several times and never could sort it out. It involves building a custom kernel, downloading and compiling a bunch of stuff so you can download and compile the drivers. I completely borked my Ubuntu machine several times trying this.

        I hate to say this, you have an old card, not very much RAM, and it's an ATI card to boot.  Kubuntu most likely isn't going to work for you on that rig. You might be able to get Xubuntu to work

        You ever think about buying a new card? This is only 40 bucks.
        and these folks have great customer service.

        With a Nivida card I bet you could for sure get Xubuntu (which looks insanely cool, but isn't a good match for my business) for sure.


          Re: Help!!! NO screeen!!!!!!!!

          I've been using an old machine I built from scraps with an ATI Radeon 9100 in SUSE 10.0 - works fine. As it's still xorg, wouldn't this work the same in kubuntu?

          On that machine I installed the ATI proprietary driver "" The xorg.conf is attached to this post - also my notes from when I set it up.

          Even the TV-Out works with it.
          Attached Files
          Check out my blog for useful scripts and tips...


            Re: Help!!! NO screeen!!!!!!!!

            ive got an intel celeron processor 1.10 mgz. Just on thing i also have a build in intel grpahics card it in'int as good but is it worth a try and also how to i get the dowloaded ati driver onto my kubutnu??




              Re: Help!!! NO screeen!!!!!!!!


              To install ati drivers you should follow this how to :



                Re: Help!!! NO screeen!!!!!!!!

                right no i cant even downlaod pakages casue i dont have internet in console mode so can i derec5t your attention to my newest poast lol i can kill my computer right now!!!!





                  Re: Help!!! NO screeen!!!!!!!!

                  its all good with the internet i reinstalled degy fit (i know worng section but it all ties together!! but still have a probelm with video card!!1



                    Re: Help!!! NO screeen!!!!!!!!


                    Did you try the howto for ATI given just over ?
                    If yes, please post the content of /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /etc/X11/xorg.conf



                      Re: Help!!! NO screeen!!!!!!!!

                      Guess what I found out? My Ubuntu install got borked, so I grabbed my CD and set it up. But by mistake I installed Breezy instead of Badger and guess what?

                      3D worked with ATI right out of the box - just as fast as it does in Dapper without the 3 days of screwing around.

