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Updates and Lag times

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    Updates and Lag times

    Hey all.

    After realizing that my current setup on my desktop was inefficient (something that dawns on me every 6-7 months) I did a complete reinstall of my system (dual boot XP and Kubuntu).

    The installation went great. I then used adept to install synaptic, and then did a full update from synaptic (bad experiences with Adept in this department). Everything seemed to be ok, except that after I had turned off my computer for the night, when I booted back up again, the mouse lags big time. Originally, other things started to lag, but after a reboot (just in case, you know) it seems to be just the mouse. And the lag is terrible. There is no accuracy, and at least a 1 sec delay in movement. Even when not moving, the mouse has jumped around from time to time for (apparantly) no reason. Any suggestions on where to go from here?

    Dell P-IV 1.6 GHz
    768MB RAM
    Windows XP Home
    Kubuntu 6.06 (installed via liveCD)

    Also, when I had installed Kubuntu for the very first time, I was able to get into all my other hard-drive partitions (even the XP partitions) no problem. After the reinstall, I get a mount error when I try to access them.


    Re: Updates and Lag times

    Alright, so I hate to bump this, but I'm going to.  Mostly because I have new information and new questions:

    First, the mouse (and other display properties) are behaving now.  I suppose when I switched back to XP for a few days, Kubuntu decided to shape up.

    But I still have the same harddrive problem.  The error I get reads:

    Could not mount device
     The reported error was:
    mount: can't find /dev/hda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
    I looked up something on editing fstab, but I'm not going to do anything until I'm sure I know what to do to make it work.  hda1 is my windows XP partition (ntfs format), and hdb1 is a partition consisting of my CD collection ripped to the computer (FAT32 format).

    Again, any and all help appreciated.


      Re: Updates and Lag times

      Originally posted by Doji Grovesai
      But I still have the same harddrive problem.  The error I get reads:

      Could not mount device
       The reported error was:
      mount: can't find /dev/hda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
      These links should help you get your (windows) partitions mounted:


        Re: Updates and Lag times

        fstab configuration:

        How to edit and understand /etc/fstab

        /etc/fstab demystified

        Fstab (wiki)
        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information


          Re: Updates and Lag times

          Excellent! It works now. As an aside, should I consider it odd that the first time I installed Kubuntu it worked right from the starts, but the new install didn't? All's well that ends well, I suppose.

          Thanks for the help!

