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HUGE PROBLEM!!!very very agrivated!!

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    HUGE PROBLEM!!!very very agrivated!!

    Hi im a windows user and i really really want to move to kubunto dapper drake for my os dual booting. Ive had tones of problems while trying to start up the os. Finally i got the alternate cd for to boot and work everythhing went smoothly i was so happy then. it rebots then grub comes up i chosse my new kubuntu it starts loading with the blue screen and stuff then when its done it comes to a black screen with a - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    iM SOOO MAD i worked so hard to get it to work and please can someone help me please dont just tell me to find another cd. If that is the only choice please reccomand one that you have personally tried also i had to use the alternate iso image from kubuntu because i have less that 192 meggs of ram. Iam really upset and i really want to have linux kubuntu because i hear so many good things. Also agin please note i really need help and i have 127 meegs of ram also i alrready have partioned my hd 13 gigs for windows 6 for root 1 for swap 24 gigs for home please i beg i really need some good help also if you want to have a one one conversation which be great my email is

    i know it souds like alot and im really demanding but i really desperatly want to have linux



    ps any advice or anything of the sort will be extereally help full if u have ANY other questions concering this post email me!!

    Re: HUGE PROBLEM!!!very very agrivated!!

    You may not have the resources to run the KDE graphical desktop

    Quote from the Kubuntu website
    Desktop install requires at least 256MB of RAM and 3GB of available hard drive space

    You may be better with Xubuntu which gives you the Ubuntu experience but using the XFCE desktop (which is very nice)

    You can get it here.


      Re: HUGE PROBLEM!!!very very agrivated!!

      Originally posted by analyticalman
      Quote from the Kubuntu website
      Desktop install requires at least 256MB of RAM and 3GB of available hard drive space
      Hmm...I think those specs are for edgy, I think dapper had lower 'requirements'...after all why would they recommend the alternate install CD for systems under 192 Mb :P

      That said 128 Mb is a bit low to run gnome or kde (smoothly)...I have one machine running dapper on 300Mhz and 160 Mb, and it works, but isn't anything like 'snappy'.

      However 128 Mb should be enough to install and run kubuntu dapper, but the responsiveness might leave a lot to be desired.

      Xubuntu might be worth a try, as you mentioned

      Originally posted by mke_12
      i know it souds like alot and im really demanding but i really desperatly want to have linux
      One thing you can try is to reconfigure the X-server (which is the thing that gives you the GUI)

      To do this:
      1. When you get to the black screen, press Ctrl+Alt+F1 (that should open a text terminal)
      2. Login (with your username and password, note that when typing the password nothing is echoed on the screen)
      3. Type
      sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
      and press enter
      4. Answer the questions about your hardware (choose moderate values for resolution etc. you can change these later)
      5. reboot

      If Ctrl+Alt+F1 doesn't give you a login terminal:
      1. reboot
      2. when prompted to press ESC for boot menu, press ESC
      3. choose to boot into 'recovery mode'
      4. The machine will boot into a console in which you can run:
      dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
      (no need for 'sudo' in the root console)
      5. Answer the questions about your hardware (choose moderate values for resolution etc. you can change these later)
      6. reboot


        Re: HUGE PROBLEM!!!very very agrivated!!

        Sigh You are right Those are the Edgy specs. Reconfiguring the X-server as you suggest is the right next step. Although I personally wouldn't run KDE with those specs on my principal computer


          Re: HUGE PROBLEM!!!very very agrivated!!

          thats for the advice il try them out and il let you know if it turns out thanks.




            Re: HUGE PROBLEM!!!very very agrivated!!

            No about thedapper drake i did instal dapper drake not edgy fit and whats the difference any way thanks im almost 100% sur i downloaded dapper any advice


            cheers mike


              Re: HUGE PROBLEM!!!very very agrivated!!

              I just tried reconfiguer the x server both ways and no louck im really hoping some one can still help me but if my only choice is xbuntu can someone explain xbuntu vs kubuntu and the destop and as i said above im pretty sure i was doing loading dapper look il give you the url.


              i chose the Download Kubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (Dapper)

              i ddint even see the new edgy that just camew out i downloaded about 3-4 days ago..

              cheer mike


                Re: HUGE PROBLEM!!!very very agrivated!!

                you can have a look at Xubuntu here ...


                  Re: HUGE PROBLEM!!!very very agrivated!!

                  Using Xubuntu over Kubuntu is nothing to be stressed about. Kde (like gnome) is a highly advanced desktop environment (many would say more advanced than Windows XP). It takes a fast computer to run it properly. But there are many graphical desktops other than KDE and Gnome that don't need such a fast computer. Xubuntu allows you to run a computer on Ubuntu Linux with a lighter (but still fully functional) desktop more suited to a computer with more modest specs. There are other even lighter desktops that you can use (like fluxbox) when you are more experienced. Given your computer spec, if you can't get it to use Kubuntu then Xubuntu is a reasonable place to go (thats only my opinion of course)


                    Re: HUGE PROBLEM!!!very very agrivated!!

                    thankis for the info but just one more question is it as cool well i dont mean that but is it as fully function and things like that as dapper drake because ive heard soo many good things oabout dapper and im really sorta bummed that i cant get to use it would you reccomande i use xbuntu or give the new edgey a try? if not and i should stick with xbunta can u sorta give me a caparison or something of the sort of x buntu. and if your sure about xbuntu can you tell me a mirrow that your sur that is good and alos can you take into mind that i do have less that 192 meggs of ram. Also one mopre thing if you could can you direct me to a how to on xbuntu? thanks for your help!



                    ps: to any one i would really want to keep dapper drake to be my os so if any one has any ideas or trics or anything concering this problemo is welcom any idea.


                      Re: HUGE PROBLEM!!!very very agrivated!!

                      You WOULD be keeping dapper drake . All of the Ubuntu variants share the same common architecture! I quote from the website

                      The aim of the Xubuntu community project is to provide a nice Ubuntu desktop experience (even on older hardware) by using Xfce4 as the desktop environment and GTK+ 2 applications wherever possible.

                      Xfce4 has been supported in Ubuntu's universe by the MOTUXfce team since Hoary and Breezy. For Dapper we went one step further and made Xubuntu a sibling of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Edubuntu by having desktop CD images generated for it. Xubuntu 6.06 LTS, Codename "Dapper Drake", has been released on June 1st 2006, shipping Xfce 4.4 beta1 code

                      So not only would you keep Dapper - you could choose to install the latest release - Edgy. Basically you are keeping Ubuntu but instead of instaling the resource hungry KDE as a desktop environment (Kubuntu) You would install instead the less resource hungry Xfce desktop.

                      Is it cool? - take a look and make up your own mind!


                      Want to give it a try? go here and choose your release and mirror


                      System resources?
                      To run the Desktop CD (LiveCD + Install CD), you need 128 MB RAM, when using the Alternate Install CD you can do with 64 MB.

                      To install Xubuntu, you need 1.5 GB of free space on your hard disk.

                      Once installed, Xubuntu can run with 64 MB RAM, but it is strongly recommended to use at least 128 MB RAM.

                      S if you try it and it still doesn't work, at least we know it won't be a resource problem.


                        Re: HUGE PROBLEM!!!very very agrivated!!

                        thnak you every one for theier thoughts and i will attemp to use xbuntu but can anyone tell me where i can go to a good specific forum and / or how tu on the subject to help me out? thanks agin every one for thier assistance!!!!



                        ps: just one more thingshould i download the alternate or normal for the xbuntu??



                          Re: HUGE PROBLEM!!!very very agrivated!!

                          You are dual booting - so I would use the alternate installer. I don't know about a specific forum - I would try the main Ubuntu forums and search for Xubuntu


                            Re: HUGE PROBLEM!!!very very agrivated!!

                            hi it all goes well with xbuntu istall ect. I log in mine with user and password then it asks me for a command i dunno what to do what happens is that it says username i tupe it in then it says password it goes ok then its says to type a command can some one help me i dont know what to do??


                              Re: HUGE PROBLEM!!!very very agrivated!!

                              Try this, type in

                              and see if you get a desktop where you can point and click.

