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Hard drive partiton

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    Hard drive partiton

    Hi im a windows user and im going to linux im all ready and stuf but i just realized that my hd is partitoned in one big partition c:. I want to dual boot but i used all my hd and reformating my windows and buying a new hd is out of the question. Im just wondering how do i get my linux kubuntu dapper drake onto my 30 gig hd without remving my windows os that alot


    Re: Hard drive partiton

    With Norton Partition Magic you can create a partition 10GB from what you already have. You do that from Windows. And then boot from the cd with kubuntu and create (on the 10GB partition) an ext3 partition 9GB and a linux-swap 1GB (minimum is 256MB, so if you lower the size of swap you must increase ext3 space). Then you have to mount at the right points and you are OK.
    I hope I've helped you.


      Re: Hard drive partiton

      well thanks for the efort but im really looking for a free ware plz rspond


        Re: Hard drive partiton

        There are a number of them if you do some searching. I think that Knoppix comes with Qparted which (I think) will also resize partitions. Not sure about NTFS vs FAT32, but worth checking on. Not sure what I used the last time, but I started by googling for "resize NTFS partition free" and went from there.


          Re: Hard drive partiton

          The System Rescue CD ( is a bootable linux distro that has a bunch of system repair and restore utilities, including QTParted (an open source PartitionMagic clone). However, the install cd includes a utility for manipulating partitions that works very well (I think it's either QTParted or GParted).


            Re: Hard drive partiton

            Originally posted by machoo02
            However, the install cd includes a utility for manipulating partitions that works very well (I think it's either QTParted or GParted).
            This should work, though you might wish to defragment your windows partition in windows before resizing it with the installer, just to be on the safe side.

            EDIT: And oh, always backup if you have files you can't afford to lose (this if of course something you should do even if you're not installing linux)


              Re: Hard drive partiton

              thanks for everyones repkly and yes ll i just figured out yesterday that gparted works well but agin i have a very bad problem and can i direct everyone over to my new topic




                SOLVED!!!Re: Hard drive partiton

                i used g parted a great free product it does a much of things to your hard drive really well !!!



                ps: if u need help to find it PM me

