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Upgrade Blues

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    Upgrade Blues

    Hi all! I am using Kubuntu 6.06 and it was installed via the live CD... NO problems there

    Recently I have tried every option listed on Kubuntu's site to upgrade to Edgy.... Everything download and installs... During install I get an error that it failed because it could no break apart programs (or something like that) When I reboot it just freeze's at the Kubuntu screen....

    Ok, I finally decided to give up on the whole edgy issue (after 10 failed attempts) and went back to 6.06 via the live cd install... Now today I follow the instructions to a t on upgrade to KDE 3.5.5.... Downloads and Installs just fine but when I reboot I get stuck in GRUB command line (it boots me there)

    I came from Suse and dumped it because of issues.... I would love Edgy or even KDE 3.5.5/// If I cant get this figured out I guess it's back to FC5..

    Sony Vaio laptop, 1024 GB RAM, 80 GB HD, NO dual boot, Kubuntu 6.06

    Thanks in advance!

    Re: Upgrade Blues

    Here is a thought.... I just checked my partitions and all Kubuntu made was a swap and put the rest of the HD as /

    I just re-partitioned and made them as follows:

    / 7GB
    swap 1GB
    /home 70GB

    reinstalled and am trying the update to edgy now...

    Could that have been the problem?

    Thanks in advance


      Re: Upgrade Blues

      Problem not solved... Back to FC5 I go.... Thanks for looking!

