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Differences between Live CD and Installed Kubuntu 6.06

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    Differences between Live CD and Installed Kubuntu 6.06


    I have just installed Kubuntu 6.06 on a laptop, in fact using it now. But I seem to have a few problems :-

    1) During the check phase on the Live CD there a menu pointer to synaptic and pointer to changing the source list. With the installed version they do not seem to available. Yes I know how to edit the sources.list file using the terminal but I am intrigued that the facility does not seem to available in the installed version whereas it was available with the Live CD.

    2) I am getting errors when I try to change screen resolution.

    Re: Differences between Live CD and Installed Kubuntu 6.06

    1)I think the thing you're looking for is called "Software Properties" in the K menu.
    2) What kind of errors are you getting and how are you trying to change the resolution?

