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Desktop Installer

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    Desktop Installer

    Argh, having to boot from the livecd to install is horribly slow....

    Anyway onto my problem. Wait the insanely long time it takes to finally load the Desktop and immediately it tells me to processes have unexpectedly failed.
    Including my desktop process. So I open up konqueror to view my homesfile and click install. It seems like it loads. Then nothing.

    I restart, now only one process fails. Click on install. Starts loading, the nothing.

    Restart once more. No processes fail, click install. Starts to load, then nothing.

    What is up with that?

    Re: Desktop Installer

    Did you check the checksum of the cd ?
    Maybe to install easier (and first boot will be faster) download the alternate cd, and install from it



      Re: Desktop Installer

      Yeah it checked out fine.


        Re: Desktop Installer

        So I guess you should try the alternate cd maybe it's the solution.

        Good luck


          Re: Desktop Installer

          Strange. I ordered my Kubuntu Dapper CD with ShipIt, so I knew it was good. However, I put the LiveCD in this one computer and it loads fine, except kdesktop kives me a SIGBART as soon as KDE is finished loading. I never got it installed on that machine.

          Put the CD in another computer, and installs and runs without a hitch. I don't know, but it's probably some peice of hardware that's confusing KDesktop.

