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How do you boot into /root at Login?

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    How do you boot into /root at Login?

    I was wondering if anyone here could tell me how you Boot into /root At GUI Login?

    In Dapper.

    I realize that most times this is not necessary to Operate in Kubuntu.

    But I need to be able to do this when I install Quake2, 3, n 4, As well as DOOM3.
    So that I can Copy the needed Program's pak files.

    As well as at other Odd times that this is needed.

    I've done this in Freespire as well as a Couple of Others that I've fooled around with...

    So I figure it can be done in Kubuntu too... I just need to know how?

    Thanks in advance for any Help and advice that you can give me....

    Re: How do you boot into /root at Login?

    You don't need to login/boot into root user to do things that requires root privileges in Kubuntu. the sudo command (and the equivalent kdesu for graphical apps) takes care of that. This page explains it all:
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: How do you boot into /root at Login?

      If you prefer graphical root privileges, just create a launcher for the command
      kdesu konqueror
      Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


        Re: How do you boot into /root at Login?

        Originally posted by aysiu
        If you prefer graphical root privileges, just create a launcher for the command
        kdesu konqueror
        OK sounds simple enough BUT how do I go about doing that?

        I know in other Distros you did it through the Security Console for user Logins.

        But how do I go about creating a launcher to do as youv've said?

        Thanks for the Suggestions, Anyothers are Welcome as well...


          Re: How do you boot into /root at Login?

          Alt + F2 and kdesu konqueror.

          more: Editing Files that Belong to Root

          If you really really (and really) want root:
          How to set/change/enable root user password

          more: Unofficial Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) Starter Guide

          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information


            Re: How do you boot into /root at Login?

            Originally posted by BlackKnight
            OK sounds simple enough BUT how do I go about doing that?

            But how do I go about creating a launcher to do as youv've said?
            Right-click on the panel and select to add an application to the panel and make it a non-KDE application.

            In the launcher dialogue, make the button title Browse as root and in the executable line, put kdesu konqueror.
            Attached Files
            Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


              Re: How do you boot into /root at Login?

              If you want a root konsole, open konsole and do
              sudo -i
              it will ask for password
              then you have root shell.
              I tried Enlightenment once, it was pretty cool.


                Re: How do you boot into /root at Login?

                Thanks everyone I'll give them a shot.

                I'm most Grateful.


                  Re: How do you boot into /root at Login?

                  Originally posted by BlackKnight
                  Thanks everyone I'll give them a shot.

                  I'm most Grateful.
                  I've tried everything here that you all have suggested.

                  And none of them have worked, Crapped out on everything.

                  I tried installing DOOM3 it installed fine, but even in anytype of /root when I went in too try copying the Base files needed to make the Game run.
                  It would come up insufficent privledges/you do not have root permission to copy into this folder.

                  I went and tried toinstall Quake4 samething except with a little different Twist.
                  It wouldn't install at all.
                  Message came up after starting the install, You do not have root permissions to alter or install into this location.

                  So whats next to try?
                  Anyone who knows where I can get info on this It'd make me Grateful.

                  But you know what they say if at the first 3,000 times you don't suceed.
                  Try Try again.

                  And I've never give up a fight No Matter if I end up losing or not... :P

