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help uninstall kubuntu

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    help uninstall kubuntu

    right now i have XP,Unbuntu and Kunbuntu installed on my computer the boot menu is a mess if i delete kubuntu by formatting the drive will it be removed from the boot menu? or is there a better way do remove it? the reason i want to get rid of it is i have installed tons of things trying to get mp3's to work and i dont know how to undo all the changes i have made.
    if i install a new copy of kubuntu over the other copy will that couse more problems or will it fix it? and will if make more listing in the boot menu? if someone could help me that would be great.


    Re: help uninstall kubuntu

    you can reformat the partition then reinstall kubuntu
    this will give you a clean start and should fix any grub/boot problems that you have ...


      Re: help uninstall kubuntu

      so i do have to format before re-installing?



        Re: help uninstall kubuntu


        Sorry I was long to answer so you got answers also... Anyway I'm not sure I've understood... It's a mess because there's too much entry ?

        In fact, it depends how your partition are done and how the system boot.
        If the grub is installed from the kubuntu partition, so if you will erase it from the disk it will not boot anymore...
        If it's installed from another partition, you should be able to delete it but maybe you will get troubles..
        Can you please give details on how the disk is partitioned (or disks are partitionned)

        Anyway, you should be able to reduce the size of the grub menu, you should be able to delete few lines and boot only few systems or even still all of them. If you want to do like this, so post the content of the /boot/grub/menu.lst and tell us what system you would like to be able to still boot...

        Hope it helps.


          Re: help uninstall kubuntu

          ok, the way i set it up was xp is on my master hard drive its the only thing on that drive on my slave drive i split it into two partition so unbuntu is on the first partition of the slave drive and kubuntu is on the second there are 12 things in the boot menu for 3 OS's thats not really a problem but if i just format the partition that kubuntu is on will the boot menu know that and get rid of the two options for kubuntu or will it add two more and the old ones will not work? on that same menu there is also 4 options for unbuntu but looks like two of them are the same which i dont understand why and then there is xp
          so i guess my main concern is that formatting the partition will also delete the options in the boot menu. and why there are so many options and is there a way reduce that amout that would be easy to do. i hope this makes sense to you...ive only had unbuntu and kunbuntu for 6 days now i really like it but i am having a heck of a time geting everything to work the way i want.



            Re: help uninstall kubuntu


            If I understand well, you've installed kubuntu on last time, so if you will format the partition with kubuntu, you will not be able to boot anymore as grub menu is on this drive...
            What you should do if you want to keep ubuntu, it's to boot it and reinstall grub from it. (Check in the wiki how to do this).
            If you want to format all the drive and reinstall kubuntu, so you can do it, but don't forget you will not be able to boot in windows til you will have reinstalled kubuntu...
            I had one last question, you have only two partition on second disk ? One for ubuntu and one for kubuntu ? Why didn't you made a swap partition ?

            About all grub entries, it's settings in grub file, you can check how to reduce it in the file directly (read it carefully and don't modify it if you don't know what you're doing)...

            If you don't understand something or I didn't explain well, please ask

            Hope it helps.


              Re: help uninstall kubuntu

              when i installed unbuntu i think it made a swap for me so when i installed kunbuntu i just assumed it would do the if i delete the partition that kunbuntu is on my computer wont work? what about xp and unbunto that were installed before kunbuntu would the boot manager still work for those? and if that is the case how can i re-install kunbunu without formatting it?



                Re: help uninstall kubuntu

                also you said i can change the menu.1st but because i have both unbuntu and kunbuntu which one should i edit it in and would it even matter?


                  Re: help uninstall kubuntu

                  You're right with your questions So I will try to understand as clearly as I can ( just waken up )
                  - which file to edit : the last grub install you made. If you've installed kubuntu on last and didn't reinstall grub since, so you should edit the kubuntu file.
                  - will boot manager still work for ubuntu and xp if format of kubuntu : If you're formatting the drive containing grub config, you will lose it and get nice error like Grub Error 17 (a pain to get ride of). If you want to format it, so first install grub from the ubuntu partition... (procedure available on wiki).
                  - If you're going to reinstall, you can format and reinstall like this you will be able to reboot again in all systems... But not till the time you're reinstalled...

                  Anyway, why installing ubuntu and kubuntu ? You can get them both on the same partition... I have ubuntu, kubuntu and xubuntu on my laptop and it's running nice... Just need to install ubuntu-desktop for kubuntu or kubuntu-desktop package from ubuntu. Then you will not need twice space on disk.

                  Hope I was clear enough

