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Move kubuntu onto different drive?

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    Move kubuntu onto different drive?

    I was wondering if anyone knows how I would go about moving my install off of /dev/hdc onto /dev/hdb (can not do hda cause work still does some stuff in WinBlows and I have not found all the programs for complete migration). I would like to move everything on /hdc to a larger drive and set it as pri/slave /hdb. I was going to try pmagic and copy partition then resize but thought that I would need to edit grub and other stuff to point to /hdb. Any help or suggestions?

    Re: Move kubuntu onto different drive?


    if it were my machine, I would try to proceed as follows:

    1. Copy (read: dump "bit by bit") /dev/hdc to /dev/hdb (dd is your friend) [1]

    2. In /boot/grub/menu.lst, change root=/dev/hdc1 to root=/dev/hdb1 (?)

    While the first part should be rather straightforward, the latter one could prove more tricky - depending on where you've installed GRUB to. That's why it might be a good idea to reinstall GRUB to a floppy (!) prior to disk change, thereby keeping it "out of the game". [2]

    [1] DD - HowTo
    [2] GRUB Manual



      Re: Move kubuntu onto different drive?

      Maybe this page can help you out:'s for Red Hat/Fedora but it could give you an idea. You don't have to go for the fdisk partitioning part, you could use any type of utility you feel confortable with (gparted is real easy), but I still fell it's kind of complicated for my taste!

      What I did personally when I ran out of space, was to move my "/home" directory to a new partition (or disk as in your case), and left the root directory "/" as is. You can take a look at these:

      That way you don't have to fool around with grub!

      ...hope it helps you out... hasta la vista...


        Re: Move kubuntu onto different drive?

        Thanks, I will dd the drive and edit grub. Worse case is it won't work and I will be where I am now.

