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kde desktop start problem after disk full

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    kde desktop start problem after disk full

    Hi, after ripping a DVD and apparantly running out of disk space I now have an issue getting my desktop to start properly. I am hoping somebody can assist me with this.

    Having googled around - a lot - it would appear that this kind of event can wreck your kde config somehow.

    Anyhow, I am now back at the following position.

    On starting my PC Kubuntu will get as far as the graphical login apparantly OK. I enter my usual user ID and password and the desktop will start but I get a blank blue screen with an open Konsole screen.

    The Konsole screen is set to my Home directory and an LS shows my files as I would expect them to be.

    I can exit Konsole by selecting something like End Session from the menu which gives me a modified version of the graphical "log out" screen which allows me to end my session which drops me back to the graphical login screen.

    From here if I select "Login from Console" it drops me back to a console screen at a login prompt.

    Here I out in the same user ID and password as I put in the graphical login screen and it logs me in fine to my home directory and issuing an LS shows my files OK.

    From here if I issue a "startx" it starts my Desktop just fine and everything is at it should be.

    In summary -

    if I login from Graphical screen - I get a blank desktop with a Konsole screen
    if I login from a console screen and issue "startx" - it's fine

    Any ideas gratefuly received.

    Re: kde desktop start problem after disk full


    Sorry if my indications will not be 100% accurate for dapper as for now I'm on breezy...
    But you can check settings to load a session in systemsettings > Session Manager.
    There you can ask to load the session like last time, like last time you saved it manually or blank...
    I hope it will help you. Of course first you need to make place on the disk

    Hope it helps

