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Frozen on Kubuntu logo screen on CD's and after installation.

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    Frozen on Kubuntu logo screen on CD's and after installation.

    [C] finished the readme - Except step 2 (the hash), as I'm fairly sure it's not related, and I'll explain why.

    I've downloaded the x64 DVD, x64 Live CD, and the x64 Alternate Installation. Both the DVD and Desktop CD would load, even do CD checks, it seems to completion - but then afterwards, flash a little "Kubuntu has no warranty, all software is free, etc." message and go back to a blank Kubuntu loading screen. It gets stuck here and goes nowhere. No error message, nothing. It's not COMPLETELY frozen, as it will actually respond to ctrl-alt-del. It simply won't load the Kubuntu system. The screen is the one with the "Kubuntu" text/logo and a blank load bar underneath.

    When I finally got the OS installed using the Alternate Installation CD, it got to the exact same point and got stuck at that loading screen. It seems my computer simply can not load the Kubuntu OS at all. It gets past a lot of loading successfully, but always reverts back to this screen and gets stuck.

    CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3200+
    Memory: 2 gigs DDR
    Hard Drives: All SATA, not on a RAID, 2 7200 RPM WD 250g hard drives and 1 30g 10000RPM Raptor with Windows XP installed on it.
    Video Card: Radeon x700 Pro
    Network adapter is a Linksys wireless.

    I'm wondering if it could be some kind of driver problem between the x64 version of the system and my hardware? I've heard that Radeon cards have had some issues with Linux, but I'm not positive as to what. I'm going to try the x86 version next, but I want to post this now in case this problem is known.

    Re: Frozen on Kubuntu logo screen on CD's and after installation.

    Quick update - recently tried x86 versions and had the same problem. It seems as though my computer can't run Kubuntu in any shape or form. Is there something I'm missing here?


      Re: Frozen on Kubuntu logo screen on CD's and after installation.


      Maybe it's just because your graphic card is not 100% recognized by default, so can you just make one test ?
      When you're stuck on the empty kubuntu bar, press <Ctrl><Alt><F1>, you should get to a console (you don't need X to run then)... If you can login like this, so it's graphic trouble, then you can try to reconfigure it by :
      sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
      Then try to reboot.
      If you still can't get to X, then go back to console mode, login and type
      And check what is the error, if you can't see it, redirect to a file by :
      startx > /tmp/test 2>&1
      Then read the file by :
      more /tmp/test
      Navigate down by the Space bar.
      If you still can find it, just post here and we will check.

      Hope it helps


        Re: Frozen on Kubuntu logo screen on CD's and after installation.

        Yikes, that gave me a scare.

        After a clean Kubuntu reinstallation (mbr was clean and booting straight to windows, past kubuntu install was formatted over) GRUB went straight to an error 17. Not sure what that means, but I'm sure it shouldn't have happened. Anyway, after a FIXMBR, I'm back into windows.

        Man, this stinks - now I don't know how to get back to my Kubuntu installation. The "boot order" setting in my BIOS only lets me pick "Hard Drive, CD, Floppy," etc., but not which HD I want it to boot from.

        Is there a feature somewhere on the Alternate Install CD to create a boot floppy?

        edit - I've been looking up a lot on boot disks, and it looks like they can only be made from within a linux distro, so my only hope must be to reinstall, then. The problem, of course, is that GRUB is just going to give me an error 17 as soon as I'm done again, even though it worked just fine the very first time I installed Kubuntu... the Unix gods are plotting against me.


          Re: Frozen on Kubuntu logo screen on CD's and after installation.


          You have a way to save it without reinstall

          Hope it helps.


            Re: Frozen on Kubuntu logo screen on CD's and after installation.

            Wow, I'm amazed at how determined this thing is to fail. When I tried rewriting GRUB to the MBR, it said "Grub installation failed with error code 20" or something like that, so then I wrote it to a floppy and restarted.

            The floppy displayed the word "GRUB" and didn't boot anything, or bring up a menu. Just "GRUB."

            I wish there was an option to use LILO or something, because I never used to have this problem with it. Sigh, oh well - I suppose I'll have to throw in the towel on this one. I hate to try another distro, since I really wanted a debian-based one, but it seems Kubuntu just doesn't like me.

            I'm still open to suggestions if you have any, and I thank you very much for your help so far.

            edit: Partition magic suggested an issue involving un-chained logical partitions. I attempted to simply wipe that whole hard disk and make sure the primary was first, with all logicals following, but after reinstallation, I got a GRUB error 22. This thing hates me.


              Re: Frozen on Kubuntu logo screen on CD's and after installation.

              ok so just try something, can you give me the map of your harddrive, for example, the /boot (/ if you didn't create a /boot partition) is located ?
              First drive, first partition (primary) or first of logical ? If you know its number it's better, for example /dev/sda1
              Then in grub, give me the root= in the line you want to boot, to do so :
              on grub,
              high light the line you would like to start
              press e
              on second line you should see this root (hd.,.)

              I'm sure we will fix it



                Re: Frozen on Kubuntu logo screen on CD's and after installation.

                I can't get in to grub to change lines like that, it either says "GRUB" or gives me an error 17 or 22 without loading any menus.

                I'm presently going to try a couple more partitioning combinations, and I'll tell you how it turns out. If at some point I can actually get into GRUB, I'm confident I'll be able to get to Kubuntu.


                  Re: Frozen on Kubuntu logo screen on CD's and after installation.

                  Here's a picture of my partitions as I tried to set them up last install. I never touch SCSI 1 or 3, as those are what Windows uses. SCSI 2 is my Kubuntu drive, which I had originally taken 150 gigs from as back-up space for Windows. When that kept failing, I just gave Kubuntu the whole 250 gigs to auto-partition:


                  And this image is my persistent GRUB error, which happens immediately after the BIOS screen:


                  The image are about 300k each, so if you need me to upload smaller ones, let me know.

                  It couldn't be because the NTFS-formatted SCSI-3 got switch to where it is because I was moving drive cables around, could it? Perhaps I should try just switching them back... but I would have expected re-formatting the entirety of SCSI-2 would fix it.


                    Re: Frozen on Kubuntu logo screen on CD's and after installation.

                    You can just try to reinstall grub the way you did last time, then you will be able to post your config, I guess, it's not using the good root...
                    you've installed it to first disk no ?


                      Re: Frozen on Kubuntu logo screen on CD's and after installation.

                      I'm not sure where it's installing it. The installation for GRUB is automatic. When I try installing it manually, it seems to fail 100% of the time.


                        Re: Frozen on Kubuntu logo screen on CD's and after installation.

                        Are you installing it by this command :
                        setup (hd0)

                        You're trying to install it to the mbr or somewhere else ? In fact, I guess the trouble is that the / is not on the first disk so maybe it's kind of bug...

