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KVM switch

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    KVM switch

    I bought a Cables Unlimited , 2 port, ps/2,model SWB-9000A
    When I started the Kubuntu comp. there was only a black screen. I shut the machine down and started the XP comp. This seemed to work and I was able to read the installation CD.(It said that to work with a Mac It needed a usb adaptor. The specifications say it works with Linux)
    I then started the Kubuntu comp. but could not access the internet or my email account.I checked the XP machine and found that I could not access the internet.
    I shut down the Kubuntu machine and then found that the XP comp could now access the internet.
    I did a search here and found the following posted by Krus

    Resolution: I found an adaptor that feeds both the keyboard and mouse PS2 connectors into one USB port. When I plugged that in between the KVM and my laptop, everythign worked like a charm. THe only functional difference in the system, however, is that now I have a mouse plugged in two. Apparently my OS couldn't handle *partial* input from the KVM, and only accepted PS2 inputs when it had both. Anyway, it works now. Thanks.( KVM Switch, Kubuntu, and my Keyboard
    « on: December 14, 2005, 05:37:55 pm »)

    This was for a breezy install on a laptop.
    Is there such a thing as an adaptor that I can plug my mouse and board ps/2 connectors into and then , somehow, feed this into one(which one?) of the two connectors on the switch.

    Obviously I am not understanding something!

    any help would be great.
    I intend to remove XP from that machine and use it for various Linux flavours, so it is essential that the KVM works between two machines both using linux)

    Re: KVM switch

    This does not sound like a KVM issue. Are you sure your network cables are still plugged in(check your NIC lights), or could there be an IP address conflict (normally windows will notify you of this)? If you are using an older hub with an uplink port, be sure nothing is plugged into the port next to the uplink(also check your NIC and hub/switch lights).

    I have experienced an issue where when switching between the two computers (any and linux), the mouse would stop functioning. This was resolved by adding a PS/2 to USB adapter. These can be found on most tech websites (I purchased mine from newegg

    As mentioned, I do not believe the KVM switch could cause the problem you are describing.


      Re: KVM switch

      Thanks for the reply.
      The adaptor that you linked to has 2 ps/2 connectors leading to one usb connector.
      My kvm hub has ps/2 connectors, as do my keyboard and mouse., so this would not work.
      Do you think that putting a ps/2 to usb connector on the mouse output of the kvm hub so that I could then plug this into the usb port on the Kubuntu comp would work?


        Re: KVM switch

        I believe that I have misunderstood your post. I was thinking that the adaptor would go betweeen my mouse and keyboard and the kvm hub, But I now see that your suggested adaptor could go between the kvm hub and a single usb port located on the computer.
        I will try it.


          Re: KVM switch

          Well, your advice worked, partly.I got the ps/2 to usb adaptor that you suggested.
          It seems to depend which comp. that I fire up first and then, it seems, that I have to switch between the two a couple of times.
          There is one thing that does not work on the Kubuntu machine, the scroll wheel.(which works with XP and, of course, was working on the Kubuntu machine before the KVM installation)
          This also prevents me from changing the size of the text.(except using ctrl +-, which only seems to give 2 sizes).
          The first time that I started the Xp machine after installing the usb adaptor  there was a small window saying something about an IP conflict (iirc).
          But this window never has appeared since.
          If you can help get my scrolling mouse to work I would be very happy


            Re: KVM switch

            To add to my tale of woe:
            There is no sound. The kvm comes with cables and connectors for sound (and microphone) but neither comp.will give any sound.
            Not on BBC or the CDs that are listed on Amazon.


              Re: KVM switch

              I think several things are getting mixed up in here. Let me see if I got this straight:

              You have two computers, a KVM switch with PS/2 ports and audio ports. You have one set of speakers, one keyboard, one mouse, and one monitor. You should just plug the keyboard and mouse into the specified keyboard and mouse input ports on the KVM switch. The monitor has a specific port on the KVM switch as well. Then you plug a seperate PS/2 cable into the back of each computer for each item (mouse and keyboard). The other end goes to the KVM switch. There should be a total of 6 PS/2 cables going to the KVM switch. One for the keyboard, one for the mouse, one to the keyboard port on the back of your XP machine, one for the keyboard port on your linux box and then two more for each mouse port on both computers. I would make sure you have it all plugged in correctly, checking the labels as you go. As for the audio, just make sure you plug the cables from the computers into the input port on the kvm. Then make sure the speakers are plugged into the output port on the KVM switch.

              What kind of mouse are you using, because my Logitech G5 mouse does not work with my KVM switch even with a USB to PS/2? Also, I am using a 4 port Zonet with Kubuntu and XP, but I have my Logitech going straight to my XP machine via USB, and then I have my other mouse going to the kvm to feed both the XP and Kubuntu machine. So on my XP machine I can control it with two mice (one PS/2 and one USB).

              As for the network issue, I have a strong feeling it is an IP conflict. On your XP box, go to the command prompt and type ipconfig. This will tell you your IP address, then on the Kubuntu machine open a terminal and type ifconfig. If the IP addresses are the same you are going to have issues.

              Let me know if I am understanding your setup, or if I have just told you everything you already knew. By the way, to give you hope, my KVM switch works perfect, in fact I even use the Num Lock key to switch between computers.


                Re: KVM switch

                For the wheel try (maybe the IMPS/2 option, and for ubuntu, it's the xorg.conf file)
                I'm sure after a little searching around for wheelmouse and ubuntu/kubuntu you should find an answer. sorry I cannot give any specifics, i've not dealt with it in a while so it got pushed out of the brain.

                I think the last poster was also right on with your network issue too.

