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Kubuntu GUI Reboot / Shutdown weirdness

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    Kubuntu GUI Reboot / Shutdown weirdness

    Hi All:

    I just realized my last reply was in the wrong section (see for details) and thought I'd post here in the proper forum to see if anyone has any ideas.

    After I updated ImageMagick and some BING (I think) libraries, I now have weirdness when I either Shutdown or go to Reboot using the KDE GUIs.

    Reboot Behaviour

    When using the GUI, the screen goes blank and seems to hang. I have to then restart the machine physically to get any response.

    When using the command line version (i.e., sudo reboot) the shutdown notifications come up for a second, then I get a screen similar to one as if I wanted to login from the command line via Ctrl + Alt + F1. It then returns the message screen almost at the end of the list and reboots.

    Shutdown Behaviour

    The shutdown behaviour when using the GUI is similar to when I reboot from the command line with the exception that I get the shutdown messages list up to a point about shutting down something about a bus...I'll try to write this down and edit my post later.

    Then it gives me the "login" text screen as above, and then reverts back to the messages almost at the end of the list.

    Some other things to note....

    I use Xscreensaver and have the daemon running in the background as well as gpg-agent, could there be an issue with these daemons not stopping properly? I also have an ATI video card (some posts thought that might be an issue).

    Anyways, that's it for now, and I will get the messages and post later (I should get to school!).



    GPG Key ID# 0x3AE05130

    Re: Kubuntu GUI Reboot / Shutdown weirdness

    First of all, reboot, whether run from a konsole or the off button symbol on the panel, is just a way of giving the unix command "shutdown -r now". What you should see is a stream of messages telling you what things are being shutdown, then your systems normal boot up screens, including the Grub menu. Then, after a short pause, it should restart your system in your default operating system, including a stream of messages telling you all the processes that are being started, culminating in the KDM login screen.

    It sounds as if there is a problem in one or more of the scripts that are linked to by /etc/rc0.d. That's where init keeps the commands that it uses to shutdown the system. It might help if you can figure out which shutdown message is the last one that you see and post it. That will tell us how much of your shutdown procedure ran normally. Was it dbus? And if so, Is the first message that you see on restart something about hotkey setup?


      Re: Kubuntu GUI Reboot / Shutdown weirdness

      I have the same prob and am using ati drivers with a x1600. I noticed if i move the mouse around and dont stop till the system shuts down (or restarts, according to whichever ur doing) it wont hang. And, when exiting the session, keep the mouse still. LOL give it a try


        Re: Kubuntu GUI Reboot / Shutdown weirdness

        If that works I'm not going to knock it, but it's among the craziest workarounds I've seen.

