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Kubuntu Version

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    Kubuntu Version


    I am fairly new to Linux and have been running Kubuntu 6.06.1 on my IBM T20 laptop for a little hile now. I know that the most recent (stable) release of Kubuntu is 6.10 now. I have been installing all available upgrades listed in adept fairly regularly but wondered if there was any way of checking whether I am now effectively running 6.10.

    If I am not running 6.10 will I need to perform a reinstall to move to this more recent version?


    Re: Kubuntu Version

    6.10 is not the most recent stable release. Kubuntu 6.10 is Edgy Eft, currently in development. It will be released in October (hopefully). It is not stable.

    Kubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (Dapper Drake) is still the most stable release, and it will probably still be the most stable release for the next 3 years, which is what it's meant to be. (LTS means Long Term Support).

    To be able to check which version of Kubuntu you are using, type this in Konsole

    lsb_release -a
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: Kubuntu Version

      I see, thanks for the info. I had seen refernce to Edgy Eft and to 6.10, I had assumed that as Edgy was going to be a new release it would be called 7.x and that 6.10 sharing the same first digit as dapper was a recent variant of it.

      Thats cleared that up then.


        Re: Kubuntu Version

        Ubuntu/Kubuntu uses a different numbering scheme when it comes to releases. The numbers represent dates rather than successive releases. The first digit stands for the year, while the 2 digits after the period/point stands for the month. So:

        6.06 = 2006 June
        6.10 = 2006 October

        6.06.1 is a special "point release" or maintenance release for Dapper.
        Jucato's Data Core

