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Setting auto HD detect during boot

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    Setting auto HD detect during boot

    Hi all,
    Dapper is running beautifully on my "AMD" system but I have a question.
    Last time I installed Breezy, my adaptec card and (subsequently) the 7 SCSI hard drives in my storage array were automatically found, configured and available once booted. Now, however, Dapper does not AND will not mount these drives (fat32). They are visible to the system but they are not mounted.
    I can also not mount them using the administrator button in KDE.
    Please help as I may swao drives from time to time and would really like them to be "auto" discovered at boot.
    How come dapper could not match breezy's effort?

    Re: Setting auto HD detect during boot

    Originally posted by pcupitt
    Last time I installed Breezy, my adaptec card and (subsequently) the 7 SCSI hard drives in my storage array were automatically found, configured and available once booted.  Now, however, Dapper does not AND will not mount these drives (fat32).  They are visible to the system but they are not mounted.
    I can also not mount them using the administrator button in KDE.
    Please help as I may swao drives from time to time and would really like them to be "auto" discovered at boot.
    Check whether file '/etc/fstab' lists your non-mounting drives...if it does not, you'll have to add them.

    You can find instructions here:
    There's also instructions available in the Desktop Guide:

    If you need to find out the device names for your scsi disks:
    sudo fdisk -l
    will list your partitions

    How come dapper could not match breezy's effort?
    Can't tell for sure, possibly because of differences in the old and new (graphical) installer?


      Re: Setting auto HD detect during boot

      Useful information about fstab:

      How to edit and understand /etc/fstab

      /etc/fstab demystified

      Fstab (wiki)
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: Setting auto HD detect during boot

        Thanks guys I'll check it out.


          Re: Setting auto HD detect during boot

          Well none of that did the trick
          I have 7 drives (scsi) sda, sdb and so on. Each seems to have a very small partition and a larger partition eg: sda1 7.8Mb and sda3 4Gb
          I can even get them listed in a console when I do the fdisk thing.
          So Kubuntu KNOWS they are there but refuses to mount them >
          is there anyone who has some network attached storage drives that may be able to post a copy of their fstab or whatever? Is there a program that is easier to use (GUI) to help us newbies trying to escape from the evil empire?

