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Where's windows?

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    Where's windows?

    Hi. I reinstalled kubuntu 64 6.06 on it's own hard drive. I installed xp pro on it's hard drive. Two hard drives are sata. When it boots up it goes to kubuntu & stops at can't access tty: job control turned off. If I unhook xp pro it works fine, boots up. I understand the sata drives are a problem. How do I get grub to work to fix this?Grub is loaded by default. I have to go in to bios to change hard drives. Thanks Fred.

    Re: Where's windows?

    As a moderator, I split this topic from the previous one because I think it's a different problem.

    I think you're going to have to modify your /boot/grub/menu.lst file to make Grub aware of your other hard drive. When you installed, Grub should have detected your windoze drive and added a stanza to boot windoze at the bottom of the menu.lst file. So, the first issue is whether Kubuntu can see the other hard drive at all. Using Konqueror, take a look at your /etc/fstab file. There should be an entry that looks something like this:
    /dev/sdb1  /media/sdb1  ntfs  defaults,nls=utf8,umask-007,gid=46 0  1
    I'm guessing that your C: partition is the first partition on the second drive. That entry tells you that your windows disk has been detected and that when you're in Kubuntu you can "mount" it at /media/sdb1 to read it (but you can't write to it). If you DON'T find a line like that in your /etc/fstab file, you might not have had your windoze drive connected at the time that you installed Kubuntu, which would certainly explain the absence of an entry for it in the Grub menu.

    If you do find the entry, make a note of the /dev folder that was assigned to your windoze C: partition, (/dev/sdb1 in my example). Grub uses a slightly different nomenclature for the same drives and partitions before and after it starts the boot. When it's trying to find the boot partition, drives are called hd0, hd1, etc. whether they are ide or sata. So drive sda is hd0 and drive sdb is hd1. Similarly the first partition is number 0 and the second is number 1, etc. Therefore, if your windoze C: partition is /dev/sdb1, you want to tell Grub that it is hd1,0. If you didn't find an entry in /etc/fstab, let us know and we can deal with that case.

    So, armed with the location of your Win C:\ partition, you can add the information, that should have been added automagically, that Grub needs to your /boot/grub/menu.lst file. Assuming that windoze is on sdb1, yopu want to add these lines to /bbot/grub/menu.lst using your favorite text editor. Remember to back up the file, first.
    #Windows Boot Info
    title<tab>Microsoft Windows  <---- <tab> means use the tab key
    root<tab>(hd1,0)  <--- or whatever you found transformed to grubspeak


      Re: Where's windows?

      Hi Askrieger. I did not have the xp drive hooked up at the time I installed kubuntu. Some where I was told to install each drive by them self. That kubuntu grub would find xp ok. what would you do now? I can reinstall. What ever you would think needs to be done I will need a step by step. I have had little success with commands.Thanks Fred


        Re: Where's windows?

        since your xp drive was not hooked up at the time you installed kubuntu, grub had no way of knowing an xp install was there and to make an entry for it in the grub menu, you have to have your windows hdd installed as the first hard drive when you want to dual boot between xp and linux, cause win does not play well with others. so you might have to start from scratch if you dont feel comfortable editing alot of files. do a forum search on dual booting and you will get a ton of info.
        &quot;Time fades even legend&quot;<br />-Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain


          Re: Where's windows?

          you should try looking here as well

          &quot;Time fades even legend&quot;<br />-Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain


            Re: Where's windows?

            I sincerely hope that you have not uninstalled Kubuntu yet, because you don't have to do so. What you have to do is to determine whether your Windows drive is considered sda or sdb by kubuntu. when both drives are attached. If you can boot to kubuntu when both drives are attached, then you can determine which drive Grub thinks is the Kubuntu drive by looking at the /boot/grub/menu.lst file. The linux stanza of the menu.lst file will say something like this:
            title		Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-26-amd64-k8
            root		(hd0,0)  #<---- THIS IS THE LINE YOU WANT
            kernel		/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-amd64-k8 root=/dev/sda1 ro quiet splash
            initrd		/boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-26-amd64-k8
            Pay special attention to the line that starts with the word root. If that line says (hd0,0) then your windoze drive will be sdb and your c:\ partition is sdb1, or (hd1,0) in grubspeak. If your root line says (hd1,0) then your windoze drive is sda and your c:\ partition is (hd0,0). So now you know exactly what to write in the root line of the windows stanza that I asked you to add to your /boot/grub/menu.lst file.

            I'm going to leave it as an exercise for the reader to figure what you have to add to your /etc/fstab file so that you can mount your windows partition. By the way don't forget to add the neccesary folder to the /media directory.


              Re: Where's windows?

              Hi. I didn't have time to work on kubuntu till last night. I'm going to give up on linux. I installed kubuntu 64,kubuntu i386, ubuntu 64, ubuntu i386, Mandriva 2006 64. All doing [ /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off]. Goes to # anything typed in here it says not found. This is one problem I have had all along. I can not type a command in if it needs to be. No way to fix if I need to. I'm really disapointed at this time. Xp is real user friendly compared to Linux. I got the grub to work, but went it bootup it goes to the can't access thing. I have worked for hours on this. I'm ready to hang it up. I think theres a problem with the 64 bit system. Thanks. Fred


                Re: Where's windows?

                Hi ! I know I said I was going to give up, but I can't!!!
                I don't like to give up on something when I know it's suppose to work. I need to find out why things are not working for me. I need your help. I have to find out what
                is incompatable with the diffenent Linux systems. I have tried to use Knoppix 5.0.1 to see if I could find anything
                and it would not bootup. Any help would be great. My
                system is Athlon 64, 1g ram, two 120 harddrives, video
                card is Nvidia 256. I changed from ATI to Nvidia. Live
                CD will not bootup. Why? Thanks. Fred


                  Re: Where's windows?

                  I've done some googling on your problem. Basically, the "can't access tty..." line appears when something goes wrong fairly early in the boot process. That should be the second line of the error message. The first line might tell us what went wrong.

                  The fact that Knoppix won't boot is a fairly bad sign. Knoppix is proverbial for working with ANYTHING.


                    Re: Where's windows?

                    in the bios please check your boot order

                    it should be set to something like this

                    1. cd-rom
                    2. sata/scsi
                    3. ide (if attached)

                    ensure that boot other devices is enabled

                    save settings and exit the bios ...


                      Re: Where's windows?

                      I think I have found something. In Belarc, it shows one hard drive at 120.02
                      usable H.D. capacity. This H.D. should show Linux on it. The second H.D.
                      shows 113.53 H.D. free space this H.D. does have XP on it. I think I have
                      a bad Harddrive. I am going to get another harddrive and see. I'll get back
                      with you on this. Fred

