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Wont boot past Kubuntu logoscreen

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    Wont boot past Kubuntu logoscreen


    I downloaded the Kubuntu DVD iso and installed it on my PC with the textinstaller. When I try to boot it after the installation (DVD has at this point been taken out of the tray) it starts the normal startup screen with the Kubuntu logo. but at some point the loader freezes so I tried to boot recovery mode and type startx. then I get the following error:
    (==) Log file: ''/var/log/Xorg.0.log'', Time: Thu Aug 31 23:13:13 2006
    (==) Using config file: ''/etc/X11/xorg.conf''
    (EE) No devices detected

    Fatal server error:
    no screens found
    XI0: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"
          after 0 resquests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
    It also froze when I tried to install using the GUI installation.... anyone know how to fix this?

    my computer:
    P4 3.2GHz
    ATI Radeon X800
    Hyundai ImageQuest F910 19'' CRT screen
    1024 DDR2

    EDIT: Edited the error message accurately

    Re: Wont boot past Kubuntu logoscreen

    this sounds really similar to the problem that many people were having with the xserver-core update from two weeks ago. try booting in recovery mode and upgrading the xserver-xorg-core package.



      Re: Wont boot past Kubuntu logoscreen

      it didnt seem to work. I wrote "apt-get upgrade xserver-xorg-core". And upgraded the package but when I tried to boot normally again it just froze as it did before the update. Then I went back to recovery mode and tried "startx" and recieved the same error. Any clues on how to fix this problem?

      EDIT: Even checked this thread ( but I have not managed to find the solution yet. My version is 10.4.... what could be wrong?


        Re: Wont boot past Kubuntu logoscreen

        I have a similar problem, but I am running xserver-xorg-core=1:1.0.2:0ubuntu10.4 and get this group of messages:

        (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Sun Sep 3 22:19:02 2006
        (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
        (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/mice
        No such file or directory.
        (EE) Configured Mouse: cannot open input device
        (EE) PreInit failed for input device "Configured Mouse"
        No core pointer

        Fatal server error:
        failed to initialize core devices
        XIO: fatal error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"
        after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.

        What do I need to do to fix this? I had updated to all latest packages before reboot, but I ran into this problem since rebooting.


          Re: Wont boot past Kubuntu logoscreen

          I noticed that in /dev there is no /input/mice. Googling /dev/input/mice I found a possible solution. Login on console and do sudo mkdir /dev/input and sudo mknod /dev/input/mice c 13 63 After that, I am able to login and start X, but most of my services don't work (samba, Apache2, internet browser). I can't get my USB drive mounted to save my data and reinstall Kubuntu.

          If I reboot, I have same problem: no /dev/input/mice and X Server cannot start because it cannot find this.

          Please help.


            Re: Wont boot past Kubuntu logoscreen

            Same issue except I get this when i use startx heres what I get...

            (==) Log file: "/var/log/xorg.0.log", Time: Sat Nov 11 11:47:30 2006.
            (==) Using config file: "etx/X11/xorg.conf"
            (WW) I810: No matching device section for instance (BusID PCI:0:2:1) found
            (EE) I810(0): No video BIOS modes for chosen depth.
            (EE) Screens(s) found, but none have a usuable configuration.

            Fatal server error:
            no screens found
            XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0" after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.

            I Ive tried updating the xserver-xorg-xcore and it finished quickly and said that there were 0 upgrades done or to do. Also Im pretty new to this stuff and this prolly is not the right place to ask but since Im already posting is there anyplace where I can find a list of the commands for command line? Also if its important I have a Satellite M55 with a 1.86 pentium M, centrino, 1gb of ram, and Intel 915 chipset (i think).


              Re: Wont boot past Kubuntu logoscreen

              maybe reinstall xserver-xorg. Download that .deb file from and use dpkg -i in recovery mode


                Re: Wont boot past Kubuntu logoscreen

                well im not sure exactly but if your /etc/X11 directory has a vesa-xorg.conf you can try booting with that file instead.


                  Re: Wont boot past Kubuntu logoscreen

                  You could try this. When the boot up first starts chose recovery mode. When you get to the prompt
                  If you have a ****Nivida**** card:
                  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
                  When it gets to the part about drivers chose nv instead of nividia.

                  If you happen to know the screen resolutions and refresh rate for your monitor you'll have a chance to enter them. This might be a good time to read your manual on your monitor. :-)

                  If you're unlucky enough to have an ATI card enter:
                  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
                  When you get to the driver part chose vesa instead of ATI or fglrx. If you happen to know your monitor specs you'll have a chance to enter them. If you don't just click enter when you get to that bit and cross your fingers.

                  I will observe this:
                  I have an ATI card on one computer and it was very buggy using Edgy. If you are new to Linux you might be best served installing Dapper until you learn your way around.

                  ATI is a pain no matter what - older cards work great with Breezy Badger. Go figure.

                  I can't find this now - it was on either Nivida or ATI - a known bug using the Linux drivers with a DVI monitor. The recommend work around was to switch to a standard VGA cable.

                  Hope this helps!

