Hi people
At the moment I've got a triple boot system (windows, kubuntu 6.06 and suse 10.1) and I want to remove Suse. The problem is suse was the last os I installed so currently my computer is using it's grub (which I believe isn't on the MBR but is on the suse partition). Is it possible to remove suse and then go back to the kubuntu grub or will I have to format it all and start again?
Thanks in advance,

At the moment I've got a triple boot system (windows, kubuntu 6.06 and suse 10.1) and I want to remove Suse. The problem is suse was the last os I installed so currently my computer is using it's grub (which I believe isn't on the MBR but is on the suse partition). Is it possible to remove suse and then go back to the kubuntu grub or will I have to format it all and start again?
Thanks in advance,