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BCM4318 Wireless Driver

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    BCM4318 Wireless Driver

    After reading many posts in alot of linux forums it seems that many people are having trouble getting their wireless network card to work? Perhaps a simple solution would be to include the drivers for the most common cards in with the operating system whereby it is found upon installation. Is this possible? It seems that the only thing that is not found is the wireless card driver.

    Re: BCM4318 Wireless Driver

    First, to solve your problem, I'd search (the third blue button in the row of seven above these messages) for BCM4318. The details of getting that wireless adaptor to work have been asked and ANSWERED, several times here. Nobody will help with a BCM4318 until you describe all the things you tried AFTER READING THE OTHER THREADS.

    Second, there are a lot of different wireless cards and they contain many different chipsets. Sometimes the manufacturers change the chipset without changing the name of the wireless card. They then provide all the details to M$, because there's only one M$ and a lot of wireless manufacturers, but they don't have enough money or time to provide the same information to all the different Linux distributions. So Linux users have to help each other out with wireless at sites LIKE THIS ONE at the Ubuntu Community Help Pages. Look under Reader Comments at the bottom of the page.


      Re: BCM4318 Wireless Driver

      I wonder if the veteran has ben entrenched too long. There are many of us wanting to experience Linux. It is hard enought o figure out which to try then when we do we get great responses like yours. Thanks for helping making something extremely foriegn to us so much easier by calling us stupid. If you want to change the world and make it a true open source arena, start by helping and not calling names. If you are the veteran you state you are then maybe simply and kindly pointing us in the right direction would be more beneficial. Especially since typing bcm43xx in the third button at the top of the screen brought me to this CRAP. Keep it and then wonder to yourself why people dont just jump right into Linux.

      See you own hypocrasy PLEASE!!!


        Re: BCM4318 Wireless Driver

        @GlaserCrew: if "the veteran" was a reference to me, I resent the implication that I regard you or any other participant in this site as stupid, especially since you seem to have done precisely what I always advocate. You searched before you asked! I thought that areman would benefit from seeing what others had done to solve THE SAME PROBLEM. In addition, I directed hime to a page at the Ubuntu Community Help Wiki that provided him with the best information available on his problem. If you think that that represents arrogance or disdain for the problems facing new users on my part, I think that, at best, you misinterpeted my remarks.


          Re: BCM4318 Wireless Driver

          You know you could be right that I did misinterpret and came to the wrong conclusions about you. I apologize for that. Guess that I am just frustrated about not finding my answers to the problems I am having with my system. Again I am sorry for taking it out on you.


            Re: BCM4318 Wireless Driver

            If you can't find a solution to a problem by searching, you can certainly ask.

