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Installation options (alternate version)

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    Installation options (alternate version)

    hi i have just burnt my linux disks. i have one with kununtu and one with Xubuntu. I instert the Xubuntu disk and it gives me the options:
    • Install in text mode
    • Install in OEM mode
    • Install a server
    • Install an LTSP server
    • Check CD for Defects
    • Rescue a broken system
    • Memory test
    • Boot from first hard disk

    ok. so i do not want to install a server so that rules out 3+4. i have checked the CD for defects and said CD is valid. Have not got a system to be broken. Have done a memory test and passed. Have tried the boot from first hard disk option (booted os currently installed)

    So i was wondering which of the two types of install i should do. on the kubuntu disk there is only install in text mode but with xp it is an OEM version.

    Basically do i need:
    • Install in text mode
    • install in OEM mode

    A quick reply if possible please.


    Re: Installation options (alternate version)

    A quick reply might not be a correct one. With the understanding that I installed from the "Desktop" CD, which doesn't include those choices, I would go with the text mode install, simply because I do not know what an OEM mode install might be?


      Re: Installation options (alternate version)

      Originally posted by askrieger
      simply because I do not know what an OEM mode install might be?
      Haven't tried it, but I think the OEM install is a 'pre-installation' option for people who wish to include kubuntu pre-installed on computers they are selling for example. (So the user/buyer only needs to fill out his/her personal information/username/password and is ready to go...or something like that)

      Not sure about that (since I haven't tried it) feel free to correct me if I'm off-track

      And yes, the text mode install is the right choice for most desktop installations


        Re: Installation options (alternate version)

        Kubicle: That would have been my conjecture also as to the use of "OEM mode".

