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Expert install guide

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    Expert install guide

    I would like to find a manual or guide on EXPERT instalations. I've have not been able to find anything thus far on the web or in the forum.

    When the alternate instal cd is booted, the screen offers several options, such as checking the cd.

    When the "expert" option is chosen by hitting F6 a more detailed instal menu is available.

    For example, a choice is provided between English UTF8 and En_AU in the language section, and in the CD Rom section it offers a choice that will speed up the reading of packages.

    Whilst I don't want anyone to help me with those two examples in this thread, I would like to find a guide or man pages to help with the expert alternate instal.

    Maybe there's a reason that it is called expert but I would like to find any documentation if it exists.


    Re: Expert install guide

    Originally posted by kemmerich
    Maybe there's a reason that it is called expert but I would like to find any documentation if it exists.
    Maybe it's because the expert mode is for people that don't need documentation :P, but I haven't run across a manual or HOWTO on it (I haven't actually searched for one, so maybe there is one buried somewhere)

    Is there a particular reason why you wish to do the expert install? There were a few issues with the 'expert' installation mode (though they may be fixed by now). It doesn't allow you to choose which packages to install (or does it? darn...can't remember ), just more configuration dialogs and enables the root account by default (at least it used to).

    Most of the important choices (in relation to what's missing from the desktop cd) are also available in the 'standard' installation of the alternate cd


      Re: Expert install guide

      I for one have had trouble with an install even using the alternate disk. I have Dell computer with a LCD monitor, as yet the ONLY TWO debian distros I have been able to install are Mepis and Kanotix. I keep trying the various Ubuntu 6. series and all fail during the install by having the screen go blank and giving no listing at all. All have blown my MBR so that the Dell restore is bolloxied up. Thank the gods of computers that there is at least one website that provides help for us Dell owners who want to dual boot. They have a utility to correct the Dell MBR by changing it back to the factory settings.

      It is interesting the the (K)Ubuntu series all work great from the livcds but WILL NOT install correctly. They run and look much better than theri debian brothers. The 5.
      series of ubuntu would not allow any updates on my computer- what you installed at first is what you ran.


