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qtparted causing crashes

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    qtparted causing crashes

    Hi all!
    First of all, I am a self confessed newbie, although I've been dabbling around in linux for past 3-4 years. For past 1 year I've been using MEPIS only as I'm partial to KDE.
    Received Live Kubuntu CD 2 days back and eager to install it. Loads fine from cd. When I try to install it, it progresses fine till the partition dialog. I get the following options:
    1. Free up space in #partition 3
    2. Use entire disc
    3. Use maximum free space
    4. Manually partition

    Since I am on a dual (triple) boot - WinXP, Mepis 6.0 and Kubuntu, I opt for option 4. The installer scans the disc and then freezes. A few 'back' and 'continue' clicks and the installer crashes and generates an error report. Unfortunately I do not have the report right now - will attach it if somebody wants it.
    Suspecting a qtparted problem, I run qtparted - on clicking 'sda' it scans the disc and disappears! Similar to the installer problem. On starting it from konsole, the additional info available is that ntfs support is not available as yet. Is this causing the seg fault?
    In retrospect, I had the same problem with Mepis 3.4.3 and 6.0 final, but MEPIS has an option to use pre-existing partitions, so i was able to proceed with the installation. No go with Kubuntu.
    Please help/ make me understand! Other details are given below.


    AMD Athlon 64 3000+ on NForce4 with Nvidia 7300 PCIe
    1Gig RAM
    80 GB SATA Seagate with the following partitions:
    sda1 ntfs boot
    sda5 ntfs
    sda6 ntfs
    sda7 fat32
    sda8 swap
    sda9 ext3 ##for mepis
    sda10 (fdisk shows code 83, not formatted) ## planned for kubuntu

    ntfsprogs is installed.

    Re: qtparted causing crashes

    Hi to anybody who is interested or has a similar problem.
    I finally managed to install Kubuntu 6.06 by downloading the gnome version of ubiquity (i.e. the Ubuntu package). Adept installs all dependencies automatically, which includes gparted. On running ubiquity now, the installer runs smoothly and installs kubuntu from the cd.

    I filed a bug as suggested by the installer, but the priority is set to very low. My belief is that it was qtparted causing the foul-up, but I could not locate an active site for qtparted.


