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eth0 suddenly stops working on nForce4 - FIX!

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    eth0 suddenly stops working on nForce4 - FIX!

    I'm installing Ubuntu and Kubuntu on my SN25P (nForce4) at the moment, for the second time (SUSE trashed my XP partition). With Ubuntu, I had to manually set up the eth0 settings so I could use my modem/router.

    With Kubuntu, at first it recognised everything OK. Then after a reboot, it promptly forgot everything! This happened to me the first time as well.

    I had to go into System Settings -> Network Settings -> Routes tab, enter Administrator mode, then type in my Default Gateway IP address (which I got from the router's setup screens). I switched back to the Network Interface tab, and clicked on the Configure interface button. I switched temporarily from automatic to manual (radio buttons), then clicked Apply. (You might need to enter the router's static IP address for your PC as well, I'm not sure).

    The message "reloading network settings" was displayed, and Konqueror and Adept started working again.

    Interestingly, going back into Network Settings, the Default Gateway IP address has changed to

    I don't know what causes Kubuntu to lose it's eth0 network on nForce boards. My Dell laptop (Intel) picks everything up automatically from the modem/router.

    Re: eth0 suddenly stops working on nForce4 - FIX!

    Driver issues

    I had a similar sounding problem, not so easily fixed by manual adjustments, that the above thread solved.

