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Login problem

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    Login problem

    Hey everyone, I will admit that I am completely new to linux and need some help. I downloaded the alternate install file and successfully installed kubuntu. It loads and comes up to the loggin and that is where my problem comes in. I try logging in and all I get is invalid login whenever I try using the one that I set up during the installation. What should I do, PLEASE HELP!!!

    Re: Login problem

    Originally posted by darion
    Hey everyone, I will admit that I am completely new to linux and need some help. I downloaded the alternate install file and successfully installed kubuntu. It loads and comes up to the loggin and that is where my problem comes in. I try logging in and all I get is invalid login whenever I try using the one that I set up during the installation. What should I do, PLEASE HELP!!!
    First thing that comes to mind is that linux is case-sensitive, so make sure your username and password are typed exactly like you wrote them: 'Username' is not the same as 'username'...also check that Caps-lock is off.

    You can reset the password by booting into the recovery mode:
    1a. choose recovery mode from the boot menu
    1b. if you can't see a boot menu when you boot up, press ESC when prompted 'press ESC to see the boot menu'...and choose recovery mode
    2. in the recovery console use the command:
    passwd <USERNAME>
    (Where <USERNAME> is the username you want to change the password for)
    3. Quit the recovery console and reboot with command
    Post again if you're still having problems after these


      Re: Login problem

      I can't seem to find or get to recovery mode, any other suggestions. I probly should've mentioned the fact that it's on a powerpc so I don't know if they are set up alittle differant or not.


        Re: Login problem

        You can't get to the boot menu or recovery mode isn't available?

        Do you have a live CD?


          Re: Login problem

          Can't get to the recovery mode and the only thing on the boot menu is l for linux and c for cd. As for disks I have a live cd and an alternate install cd which is what I used to install it.


            Re: Login problem

            Getting to recovery mode should be pretty straightforward, but since I don't know if the process if different on PPC, I'll describe a different method off changing the password:

            1. Boot your Desktop/Live CD
            2. Start Konsole
                 Alt+F2 to open run dialog

            Give the following commands in konsole:
            3. Mount your root harddisk partition
                 sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media
                 (replace hda1 with the devicename of your root partition, you can see a list of partitions and their names with
                  sudo fdisk -l if you're not sure.)
            4. Chroot into the root partition
                 sudo chroot /media
            5. Check the username
                 grep 1000 /etc/passwd
                 (the first field in the result is the username...check that it's correct)
            6. Change the password
                 passwd username
                  (replace 'username' with the actual username)
            7. Exit chroot
            8. Reboot

