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    I installed Kubutu 6.06 and have a error message when I try to open KPPP.

    “/etc/resolv.conf is missing or can’t be read!

    Ask your system administrator to create this file (can be empty) with appropriate read and write permissions.”

    When I click the OK button then KPPP opens up and I am able to configure it but the arguments on the modem command page have been erased although they were in the live DVD disc! I was able to get the modem to initialize and also was able to call out but it will not connect.

    I did a search and found that other KDE installs have had similar problems in the past.

    They mentioned DNS and also DHCP problems and also a 2 files that load the resolv.conf file with the info. I am not sure but think that resolv.conf gets rewritten by other files that get the info from PPPD which I was unable to locate in my system.

    So I need to know a way out of this problem or I must go back to Ubuntu 5.10 and forget KDE and K3b. I suspect this is a bug and it needs to be fixed before this version will fly.

    Without the modem I am unable to use this OS so must fix it or bail. I would appreciate any tips on this problem as I would like to use KDE.

    I used Mepis distro and it worked well until they upgraded and then I lost my modem connection too. Perhaps this new upgrade had the same problem. Perhaps it’s the KPPP software problem and not Kubuntu at all.

    What should I do?


    Re: NewInstall/etc/resolv.confError

    There is right way to do this and a fast way. I'm going to describe the fast way, but understand that you are NOT SUPPOSED to edit the resolv.conf file by hand. Horrible things might happen to your system under undescribed circumstances if you do it this way. but none of those horrible things have ever happened to me.

    1) Start a konsole. Type:
    cd /etc/  <--- change working directory to /etc
    ls -l resolv.conf  <--- Just to make sure it's not already there
    sudo touch resolv.conf  <---- create file named resolv.conf -- Enter your USER password when asked
    sudo chmod 644 resolv.conf  <--- chaneg perms to -rw-r--r--
    ls -l resolv.conf  <--- make sure that the ownership is root root and the perms are as above
    2) Call up your ISP's tech support department and keep saying "Please let me talk to your supervisor." until you get to someone who understands and is willing to provide you with "the I.P. addresses of your primary and secondary DNS servers". Eventually someone will give you two sets of four numbers each in the form; "" They'd better not be those exact numbers, though, but all four should be less than 256.

    3) Armed with the IP addresses of the primary and secondary domain name servers go back to the konsole and enter
    sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf  <---- Enter your password again
    This starts a simple console editor called nano. Nano doesn't know about mice so you will have to use your arrow keys. Enter the follwoing lines in the file.
    nameserver #.#.#.#  <---the primary dns
    nameserver #.#.#.#  <----the secondary server
    Type Ctl-O to save the file and Ctl-X to quit nano. Now, you're a command line pro.

