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Installation problem with duel boot

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    Installation problem with duel boot

    Hi all, Im new to Kubuntu and just sat down last night to install it on my home computer (i dont recall the spec atm i am at work and cant find them).
    However i started to install and it saw my XP partition and the other 2 partitions but it installer will not leave my Xp partition alone at all even after deseleting it from the list.
    If i remove it from the list of partitioins to be formatted and set the other two partitions for installation and swap partition, I click next and get the summery of whats to be done and there is my XP partition slated to be put to swap space along with the 3rd partition. I havent giving this much time so far but i figure i should put it out here first before it because out of control.

    Re: Installation problem with duel boot

    Not sure if that is a bug in the installer or a desired action but yes it will mount all NTFS/FAT32 partitions it sees even if you deselect them.
    I have to say despite my initial choice of not wanting to mount my XP partition I have not had any issues with it being mounted or accessed.

    Here is my breakdown:
    Physical drive 1:
    C partition - windows XP = hda1 mount point /media/hda1
    D partition - data/swap for XP = hda5 mount point /media/hda5
    unmountable partition - grub = hda2 i think but there is no mount point
    Physical drive 2:
    unmountable by XP = hdb1 mount point /
    unmountable by XP = hdb2 mount point swap
    Physical drive 3:
    X partition - data backups = hdc1 mount point /media/hdc1
    F partition - FAT32 = hdc2 mount point /media/hdc2
    I use the fat32 partition for go between

    You will need to make sure that the installer is only setting a mount point like /media/hda1 for your XP partition or you risk losing it
    your root mount point should be named /
    and your swap mount point should be named swap
    Kubuntu 18.04 on AMD


      Re: Installation problem with duel boot

      That looks spot on, I was afraid that it wants to reformat the
      /media/hda1 and i would have lost my XP data
      Thanks for the Info

