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wireless and screen resolution on a Presario V2000 laptop

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    wireless and screen resolution on a Presario V2000 laptop

    Hi! i just bought myself a Presario V2000 laptop from HP having been told on the phone that this computer is linux compatable. I'm having a couple problems, though. So far, X11 refused to start in 5.10. I downloaded this version specifically for the laptop.

    2 major problems:
    1. the wireless card! i bought the system with the BroadCom BCM4318 (AIR FORCE ONE 54g) wireless card. When i go "sudo systemsettings" (on the live cd mode -- no installation yet) and try to turn on the wireless card (it shows up), it turns on for an instant then turns off. The wireless LAN manager is unable to detect the network i KNOW is there (currently the system also has a wire).

    2. the laptop decided to come with a widescreen display with a resolution of 1280x768. However, i can't seem to get kde to use that resolution.

    Could someone help me with these problems? I figure, if it won't work in the liveCD, why would it work once installed? thanks!

    Re: wireless and screen resolution on a Presario V2000 laptop

    With regard to your first problem: there is an Ubuntu wiki page devoted to the bcm43xx wireless adapters. Look at the reader comments at the bottom for a specific mention of the bcm4318.

    For your second problem, I would suggest using the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg".

    Of course, all of the things you do will vanish as soon as you turn off your computer, so I would advise installing as soon as you're sure you can get it working.


      Re: wireless and screen resolution on a Presario V2000 laptop

      wireless definately helped. That page didn't help much but a link from it did (after a few hours of hassle... wow i am surprized how difficult wireless can be in linux...)

      i am about to try the second suggestion, i'll let you know how that goes!


        Re: wireless and screen resolution on a Presario V2000 laptop

        and... heh well upon a full installation, the screev problem disappeared! nice...

        thanks for the help!

