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dual booting without hurting my windows install

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    dual booting without hurting my windows install

    mkay, heres the scoop. im dual booting kubuntu for the first time with windows xp home. i have 2 drives, a 160 gig C: drive with all my windows data and programs. the other drive is a 300 gig F: drive which holds all my torrents, tv shows, music, podcasts, etc. i created partitions especially for kubuntu (swap and main install) on my F: drive.

    when i get to the "Prepare mount points" section of the install (after choosing to make my own partition table), it wants me to mount my windows partitions as "/media/sda1,/media/sda2,/media/sdb1,/media/sdb2." It then gives me the option to reformat each partition (im assuming i uncheck those :P). I still want to view my windows data from linux, so here goes:

    Will mounting my windows partitions to /media not harm my windows install and data? is it safe ?

    Re: dual booting without hurting my windows install

    Mount them read only (I think if it's NTFS that'll happen anyway), and it will be fine.


      Re: dual booting without hurting my windows install

      aha, read only is automatic with ntfs. one less thing i have to worry about then. thanks.

