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Upgrading from Breezy to Dapper from CD

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    Upgrading from Breezy to Dapper from CD

    Before I start, don't get me wrong but I think Kubuntu is excellent and a potential MS Windows Killer. However my upgrading experience has left me dissapointed and I've not even started using Dapper!

    Problem: I want to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06 so I download both CD ISO images and burn to CDs. From what I read the Alternate CD is the one I apparently need so I follow the instructions on They seem straight forward enough except they don't work.

    Reading it says that "If you have a Kubuntu 6.06 CD" well two different types are issued so which one to use?

    I've now stuffed my system because the upgrade instructions on the net conflict as to what needs to be done and at best are unclear.

    If Kubuntu (and Ubuntu) are really to become mainstream products and a Microsoft killer OS then someone needs to write clear and concise authorative instructions for upgrading from a CD. In the meantime, I've not trashed one PC and am installing afresh from the Desktop CD as the system failed to boot after trying the upgrade. >

    I have another PC whcih has no internet connection other than a 56K dial-up to try the upgrade again. Would someone be kind enough to point me to a set of instructions which clearly state which CD I should use and how to go about doing the upgrade without trashing a perfectely working system?

    Re: Upgrading from Breezy to Dapper from CD

    Personally, I used the so-called Desktop CD. Frist, I tried to do a "dist-upgrade by command line magic, but that trashed my system. Even with 25 years of Unix and more than 10 with Linux, you can trash your system. That's why everyone tells you to backup first.

    Detailed instructions follow:
    (0)Backup your files. Personally, I use Kdar, but any good backup program including manually copying all your stuff to removable media will work.
    (1) download the Desktop CD for your computer type (i386, AMD64, or PPC)
    (2) take the md5sum of the iso.
    (3)burn the iso to disk.
    (4)compare the md5sums of all the files on the disk with the md5sum file on the disk. See this page for instructions.
    (5)Insert burned and checked CD in drive.
    (6)click "run and install" (or whatever that option is called)
    (7)click install icon on desktop.
    (8)Feel the love.

