I'm a beginner user and I work with kubuntu since a few month.
On my laptop, I tried to install an external screen.
It working fine on 640*480. So, I modified the config to work in 1024*768.
Now my kubuntu does not want to boot on graphical session even with the LCD screen.
From a root console session, after a man xorg, I tried to call xorgconfig or xorgcfg without sucess (command not found).
I ugrade my brezzy to dapper by the net and I do not anderstand why theses utilities are not installed.
Can someone help me to retrieve my original configuration.
Thank in advance,
I'm a beginner user and I work with kubuntu since a few month.
On my laptop, I tried to install an external screen.
It working fine on 640*480. So, I modified the config to work in 1024*768.
Now my kubuntu does not want to boot on graphical session even with the LCD screen.
From a root console session, after a man xorg, I tried to call xorgconfig or xorgcfg without sucess (command not found).
I ugrade my brezzy to dapper by the net and I do not anderstand why theses utilities are not installed.
Can someone help me to retrieve my original configuration.
Thank in advance,