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Triple Boot Problems

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    Triple Boot Problems

    I never used Linux before, but I have heard good things about it and Ubuntu/Kubuntu so I thought I'd try it. I downloaded the live CD and really liked what I saw, and since I had some free hard drive space I decided to install it. After hearing how easy it was to dual boot with Grub, I thought I was well on my way.

    Unfortunately I ran into some problems. My computer is a Sony Vaio S54B with a Pentium M 1.7Ghz, 1GB RAM, GMA 915 and 80GB Fujitsu hard drive. I live and work in Japan and this computer came with a Japanese version of XP Home. I need that for work, but I also wanted to install my own copy of XP Pro, so I have a 20GB partition 1 for Japanese XP Home and 60GB partition 2 for XP Pro.

    Before I installed Kubuntu I repartitioned the free space on the 20GB drive, so I had 10GB for XP Home and 10GB for Kubuntu. The install went fine and in about 20 minutes I was at my Kubuntu desktop.

    The problem is that there are no boot options when I start my computer! It automatically goes into Kubuntu. There are no options to start my XP Home or XP Pro installs. I needed the Japanese version of XP Home for work the next day, so I had to reinstall it to get it up again (backed up all my data, of course).

    So what is the problem? Can I triple boot Kubunto, XP Home Japanese and XP Pro English? From what I read it was supposed to be easy to use Kubunto and XP together, but so far it hasn't worked for me. Is there any way I can get all three booting?

    Thanks for your help and sorry for the newb question!

    Re: Triple Boot Problems

    Open your /boot/grub/menu.lst file.  Paste its contents into a reply here?  That way we can look at what Grub detected when it was first installed.  I'm a total newbie about this but I do know all your boot options are located in that file.  Someone else will know what's going on.

    Or, you could take a look here:

    Maybe reinstalling Grub could correct your problem?

