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GRUB loading error 22

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    GRUB loading error 22

    I installed Kubuntu as a dual boot with WinXP Media Center Edition 2005, and it all went well until I tried booting Linux. It stalled on the "Mounting root filesystem" or something. So I played around, trying to figure out why. Every option I choose, Linux stalls on a command line that is similar to: "cannot allocate resouces with region 3" Then I decide to delete the partition and start over. I go into windows and delete it, and boot up again intending to redo it. Linux still freezes at the same spot. So I give up for the night thinking I'd do it the next day. I restarted the PC and got a GRUB error. It says it cannot load, then it says "error 22" How do i completely get rid of it to start over, even with linux unable to boot, and my windows unable to load. I cannot reformat my computer, because my win files are extremely important.

    Any suggestions?

    Re: GRUB loading error 22

    try installing Kubuntu again to restore grub. Or to remove grub/linux completely, get your windows CD, and go into recovery mode and run fixmbr
    <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(

