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kubuntu start up

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    kubuntu start up

    I installed 6.06. Install went fine. When it rebooted it goes to black screen with kubuntu log on line then nothing it locked up. ctrl+alt+del reboot goes to same screen locked up again. F7 did not work. Please help. Nothing I have tried so far has worked. Thanks. Fred

    Re: kubuntu start up

    Can you enter your login name and password at the login line?


      Re: kubuntu start up

      Hi Fred

      This sounds like similar symptoms to a problem with the nvidia driver I have (you use nvidia, or maybe it affects ati too?) Did you have the system working before or is this a brand new install that failed first time. Did you do updates during the install?

      From the lock up point you describe try ALT and F2 together which should take you into the command line and ask you for a login (if not see * below). Enter your login name and password. You can try here if you like typing "startx" (this and all that follows without the quotes) after a short delay you may be taken back to the command line and there is an error about an inability to start X, related to failure to load nvidia module. If you get this then you can use what follows to get back into kubuntu but without 3d graphics acceleration. If not please post what does happen or try * below to look for other errors.

      Type "vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and press return

      A file will appear and scroll past. Towards the bottom of your screen you should see something about resetting your xorg.conf to the default value using a command starting with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure". You might want to make a note of that command on paper though it should still be visible at the next step.

      Now type ":q!" and press return (this just takes you out of vi which is a program for editing files)

      Now type the command you noted above (beginning with sudo dpkg-reconfigure) and press enter. It will ask you for your password.

      Probably after that there is a warning/info about overwriting a file and it tells you that it has backed up the old version.

      Now try typing "startx" and press enter. You should be back into kubuntu. You'll find this session is a little odd because of the way you logged in - if you go to log out from the kmenu all you'll have is "end current session". Use this and it should take you back to the command line. You can now type "init 0" and press enter to turn off the pc. Restart and all should be back to normal except you no longer have 3d graphics acceleration because you are using the free nv driver. I just tried switching to the proprietary nvidia again and the system broke again - maybe the kernel is upadeted without the nvidia module updated, if so lots of people will suffer this and i'm sure it will be fixed soon. If not its something peculiar to me/you and I'll look into it some more.

      *If alt +F2 didn't work above then start up your computer and watch for a line about grub and where is says press escape to get options (you only have about 3 seconds to do this, if you miss it jsut start again). From here you should get a list of boot options and can choose "recovery mode" (i think, or something similar) to get the command line above and try those steps. Note any errors you see as it boots and post here.

      If the boot options described above include more than one kernel version you could try booting into the older kernel which also might work.


        Re: kubuntu start up

        I have tried ever thing suggested. I have tried ubuntu 5.10, mandriva 2006 all 3 doing same. Will not boot all the way up. Go to login stop. I'm stuck with xp pro. I can't believe xp worked fine installing & kubuntu is a problem. Is the ati video card the problem? Thanks.


          Re: kubuntu start up

          There have been some problems upgrading from Breezy (5-10) to Dapper (6-06). with the "ati" driver. But, a fresh install with the "Kubuntu Desktop" live CD worked for me.


            Re: kubuntu start up

            have a look at my post.
            I run an AMD64 bit system with ATI 9600xt video sounds like you may have the same problem.

            Regards John


              Re: kubuntu start up

              I tried ever thing with no luck. I when out got a new video card {msi nvidia nx7300gs] kubuntu is installed & working. Thanks to everone for your help. Fred


                Re: kubuntu start up

                Update. I gave up on kubuntu. First it didn't see or find the modem. Worked with it a few days. when to boot up computer & got the login problem again. Would not let me login. Did not see the video card [the new card that fixed the login]. Tried the command line says no permission or you don't have access. After a week or so going no were when back to mandriva 2006. What do you have to do touse command line as root? I did buy the book Beginning ubuntu linux. Keep hoping to fine that little glitch to make thing work better. Any help would be great. Thank. Fred


                  Re: kubuntu start up

                  What do you have to do touse command line as root?
                  Type "sudo <your command>", enter YOUR password when requested. Please read this page to understand sudo.


                    Re: kubuntu start up

                    I have read that page. Looked at 2 or 3 times. I have a filling some thing is not loading right. I have tried to do it like sudo page says. Can get to the sudo command line. Will not do any thing typed in. Will not work. No access no premissions. Open to any ideas. Thank. Fred


                      Re: kubuntu start up

                      I'm afraid that I still have no idea what your problem is, because I don't have enough information to diagnose it. Let's start from the beginning again:

                      1) Exactly what happens when you try to start Kubuntu? Please give the EXACT wording of any error messages you see.

                      2)Can you get to the KDE Display Manager login screen? If not, can you get to a full screen console with Ctl-Alt-F1 or, (depending on where you are in the boot process) Alt-F1? Can you log in to the conlsole? Again, please give the EXACT wording of any error messages that you see.

                      3) If you can log in to a full screen console, what happens when you type the command "startx"? Again, EXACT wording of any error messages you get.


                        Re: kubuntu start up

                        Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I know how hard it is to try & understand the problem from someone else trying to explain it. StartX finally worked. I changed default, so login works,Boots up without going to userID & password now.
                        Modem is working now after turning firewall off. Running Mandriva 2006 will try Kubuntu 64 later again. The commands I do not understand. Anytime I try to type one in As Sudo it says NO Permission or don't have access. Need to work on this. Thanks for all your help. Fred


                          Re: kubuntu start up

                          I haven't used Mandriva since before they stopped being Mandrake so I may be wrong, but if you are trying to run sudo in Mandrake, you probably need to use the ROOT password. In fact you should probably use "su" instead. That starts a shell for root, so you then give whatever commands you need as root and then exit to your normal user. I used to forget to exit root and barely missed clobbering my system a couple of times.

                          In Kubuntu, there is no root password. You use sudo, with your regular password to run ONE command as root and you are automatically brought back to your normal user.

