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KDE Question

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    KDE Question

    OK I have Kubuntu Dapper Drake 6.06 installed ( from the LiveCD) and am having keyboard problems ( see post where Shifted keys other than letter keys give wrong result.  Have Googled but no answer.

    How do I determine what keyboard is installed ( even though I selected US on install)?

    This does not happen when I boot from the same LiveCD

    Also noticed that according to package managers, KDE base and KDE core are not installed, yet the Desktop works. What gives here?

    Hoping for an answer.


    Re: KDE Question


    keyboard problem solved - editred Xorg.conf and changed XkbLayout to "us"

    Would still like info re KDE


      Re: KDE Question

      I'm not really sure what the problem is, but you can check the Keyboard Layout in System Settings > Regional & Accessibility.

      As for kdebase and kde-core not being installed, Kubuntu does not install all the default KDE applications, which are very many. It has it's own "flavor" of default KDE applications. This is handled by the metapackage kubuntu-desktop.
      Jucato's Data Core


        Re: KDE Question

        thanks for reply Jucato.

        Just seems that if KDE base and core are not needed then the names are a bit misleading.

        Normally a "base" is the foundation upon which everything else is built, and a "core" is the center of something.



          Re: KDE Question

          the package kdebase is, like kubuntu-desktop, a metapackage that defines a set of things to be installed. kubuntu-desktop (and the equivalent ubuntu-desktop) installs the entire desktop environment, login manager, etc including themes, default settings, and the like. Kdebase would install a somewhat different (and much smaller) set of packages than kubuntu-desktop. Basically, think of kdebase and kde-core as Debian things, and kubuntu-desktop as a customized version with some things added, others not used.

