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Disapearing Taskbar

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    Disapearing Taskbar

    I was using Amarok 1.3.9 and for some reason when I closed it it went to the lower taskbar. Seeing it still running as a little icon on the right, I right clicked on the amarok window to close it,but it took the whole taskbar with it. The only option I have is the standard right-click on the desktop menu, so I guess I need some console advice. I even did a windows-style reboot.


    Re: Disapearing Taskbar

    Try this first:
    1. Open systemsettings
    ('Alt+F2' and run 'systemsettings')

    2. Go to Panel>Panels>Arrangement Tab

    3. For the missing panel, change it's position and apply...the panel should reappear...then you can move it back to where it was.

    If this doesn't work, let us know and we'll suggest something more drastic

    Not sure why panels disappear sometimes, but it has happened to me a couple of times...and I always managed to get it back using the above method.

    Funny thing is that when it comes back the background gradient image has flipped 180 degrees (which is fixed by restarting kicker)...Just one of those 'go figure' things I guess :P


      Re: Disapearing Taskbar

      Sorry took so long to post back, son unexpectedly home from college,just got my Kubuntu back. Your post was perfect. I kept trying ctrl,forgot about alt. No other repercussions.

