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Installer hangs at 81%

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    Installer hangs at 81%

    I am a disenchanted SUSE user who is trying to find a better distro.

    I had tried the Dapper desktop cd and I was impressed how good it looked and performed.
    I then tried to install it from the live cd and went through the procedure painlessly.
    I did choose however to manually edit the partitions and told the installer to setup dapper in a 11GB partition that I had for testing purposes.
    Other partitions include a SUSE 9.3 a linux swap and another reiser partition for files.
    No windoze!

    Everything went fine and the installer worked until it reached 81% when it stopped. After a while the lights on the drives also went off and I could not do anything with the system but to hw reset.

    Any suggestions/help?

    System data:
    AMD 3000+ / 1GB RAM / 2xSATA 120GB
    Mobo: Gygabyte GA-7VT600 1394
    DVD RW: NEC ND-3550A & plextor 712A

    Re: Installer hangs at 81%

    Usually it's related to a bad cd (you should check md5sums)
    Maybe you can try to redownload and burn it slowlier...



      Re: Installer hangs at 81%

      it was burned with k3b 0.12.15 and k3b does a md5 check before it burns the image.
      Should I do another verification?

      I can make it burn slower.



        Re: Installer hangs at 81%

        I guess it's not needed...
        Did you try to download another cd ?


          Re: Installer hangs at 81%

          You have to be connected to the Internet before install.
          Nevermore! Nevermore! - E. A. Poe


            Re: Installer hangs at 81%

            I am connected to the inet before the install. In fact I was amazed how well Kubuntu performed from live cd. Everything worked. Even the soundcards were configured properly when SUSE had forever trouble with them.
            I have also ordered the shipit cd. That should solve any questions about burning.

            I did not try the alternate cd yet. To tell you the truth, I have no more blank cds and I don't want to buy any more cuz they just gather dust here.

            I am torrenting the dvd now. Will see how that install goes.
            BTW: where can we get the Md5 sums for the dvds?



              Re: Installer hangs at 81%

              Just wanted to finalise this thread.

              I did dnload the dvd and installation went smooth. No probs.

              It was a memorable day in my life to find how easy everything goes, the fact that Adept comes with all the repositories already in (unlike SUSE) and finally to find that there is a wiki helping users answer questions that are never clarified. The likes of how to install libdvdcss, w32 etc. In SUSE I had unbelievable pains the first time I started using it.

              I find the deal with the root user being locked a good idea for desktop users. Simplifies our lives.

              Great job


                Re: Installer hangs at 81%

                Congratrulations, happy that you got it running...

                Cheers and enjoy

