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"no listening sockets available"

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    "no listening sockets available"

    Hi, I upgraded from Breezy to Dapper, and thought that everything had gone smoothly. However, when I now try to boot, Kubuntu hangs. This is the 'fail' message I've seen:

    "Starting Apache 2.0 web server...
    (98)Address already in use: Make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
    no listening sockets available, shutting down
    Unable to open logs"

    -now, I've had a look, and this is obv. something to do with Apache not getting access to the port it wants. I just can't work out/find out how to remedy this problem. I'm having to work from a live CD at the moment.

    Re: "no listening sockets available"

    It seems that it's because your port 80 is already binded... I don't know why...
    You should be able to be sure by :
    netstat -an | grep 80

    Maybe you have another http process running, check it by :
    ps -ef | grep http

    If yes, try to find which process it is in /etc/init.d/httpd or /etc/init.d/apache


      Re: "no listening sockets available"

      OK thanks for that. I can't really tell if that's the problem anyhow.

      What's happening now is that if I boot Dapper, it gets to roughly the end of the kubuntu splash screen (according to the statusbar), and then just hangs. No error comes up on screen, and if I ctrl-backspace, it simply starts the shutdown process.

      So the next question is: where do I find an error log to see what's going wrong? Or alternatively, is it possible to delete/default my startup scripts so that they're 'clean'?

      The whole problem here is that I just don't know what the problem was. The only other thing I've noticed is that GRUB now finds three different linux images to boot from (2x i386 and one K7 - I'm using a 64bit chipset, but had always previously used the 32-bit distro of kubuntu). Should these be there? Could it be that this is causing a problem?


        Re: "no listening sockets available"

        In grub you should remove quiet and splash from the command line to see what's wrong...
        Maybe you will see some errors


          Re: "no listening sockets available"

          Thanks a lot for your help, Sky. I've tried this and still can't see what the problem is. I can only put it down to originally installing ubuntu, shifting to kubuntu a few months ago and then trying to upgrade. There must be something I've done at some point which is screwing things up.

          Luckily, I've got two hard disks and the 'other' one only has an unused XP install on it, so I'm going to try a completely fresh install of Dapper on this disk, protecting my personal data. I'm pretty annoyed that it's come to this. But like I say, I should think that it comes down to my meddling at some point, so I can only blame myself!


