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live desktop or alternative install? wich way to go?

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    live desktop or alternative install? wich way to go?

    hi again
    it's meant to be a fast q&a 'cos i am with the middle of the live desktop torrent down already, but now, after reading and reading i am really not sure if it's the better option, i don't mind using the command line install, i am used to it and it did work really nice, right?
    i wanted just to get the live one in order to get a l;ook at it, - and btw to try it on my friends computers, to try to get them into kubuntu - but after going through some post i am worry: it does the partitioning by itself? or i can dop it manually like in the command line installer?
    i am giving the great jump now, getting the computer completely free of windows and was planing to do a nice partitioning.

    yhotg<br /><br />--------------<br />dibl&#39;s Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs

    Re: live desktop or alternative install? wich way to go?

    I have tried both. My personal experience is that the alternate seems to work better, as far as installation is concern.

    Here are a few thing I believe the alternate is better:

    1. It let you choose where to install your boot loader, if you happen to have another favorite distro already and using its boot loader.

    2. The alternate CD can be use as an upgrade source for older version, like beta or RC where you have no internet access. Just do
    apt-cdrom add
    then upgrade as usual.

    Of course, the Live Desktop has one advantage over the alternate, other than the graphical interface: it let you see what the desktop 'look' like before you install it. Just rememeber that whatever packages availble to Ubuntu/Xubunbu will also be available to Kubuntu.

    The Live Desktop installer will get better over time. For now, my choice is the alternate.

    Oh, one more thing I read a review about Live Desktop install: don't do anything else while it is being install. Otherwise you might run into problem. Better be safe than sorry.


      Re: live desktop or alternative install? wich way to go?


      i'll go and get the another one iso file, your replay got here just a minute or 2 after finishing downloading the live one, but no way i'll use it now, i don't want to try to see how my desktop would look , i just want to get it fast and right. lol
      the seeing is for friends to try on their computers

      anyway, who knows, maybe after i'll would burn it anyway.

      yhotg<br /><br />--------------<br />dibl&#39;s Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs


        Re: live desktop or alternative install? wich way to go?

        The Live Desktop can be used as preview for your friends, just to show what they've been missing

        It's always to have options. If the Live Desktop fails to install, you know you still have the alternate option.

        Good luck!


          Re: live desktop or alternative install? wich way to go?

          I also used the live install and it went without incident, very solid installer and no hangups, thankfully.

