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su error and internet browsing problems

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    su error and internet browsing problems

    Hi all,

    WAS quite happy with Kubuntu but recently been getting a lot of grief with it.

    Started with Hoary and all was well then for no reason my internet ground to a halt. But not it all, only my web browsing speed went pear-shaped. Email, FTP, all ok. Tried a few potential solutions, no joy.

    I have a Linksys WAG54G modem/router and am using AOL as my ISP [i know, i know, AOL suck. But i'm really limited on ISP's where i live]

    Upgraded to Breezy. Still no joy. Slooooow browsing speed.

    Upgraded to Dapper beta, nope. Still slow browsing. Bah.

    Have now wiped the partition clean and installed Dapper RC... STILL get the browsing error! Not only that but whenever I need to alter a setting (eg: alter network settings or use adept), i get an 'su error' when i try and switch to admin!

    Any ideas??... i'm losing the plot with Kubuntu now...

    I've tried disabling ipv6 in firefox, tried disabling ipv6 altogether, still no good. Tried editing the resolv.conf file and altering DNS entries. Nothing...

    My Windows internet works fine. I have a dual boot.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated...

    Re: su error and internet browsing problems

    as your problems seem to only be web browsing, and not other network protocols, one thing to try is to check your router's settings for your ISP's DNS Server IP addresses, and see if the network card is using these ip numbers, and that your default gateway is also correct. The dns servers should be listed in your router's setup, probably under a "ststus" page, and your default gateway should be the same IP number you use to access your router, which is quite often

    goto System Settings/network settings and check there

    I had a similar problem when my isp was taken over by another company, one day my connection slowed to a crawl, but email was fine. Once I matched everything up correctly it was all fine

    As for your admin login error, though you probably already have done this, but be sure you are using the password of the first user you created


      Re: su error and internet browsing problems

      I think i've done the IP/DNS thing before but i'll give it another check.

      Well, thing is, i don't even get to enter my root password as it gives me the 'su error' before i even enter anything... very odd.

      And without fixing this 'su error' I can't easily change my Network settings since i need admin privileges to edit them...


        Re: su error and internet browsing problems

        yes! Fixed the 'su error'. For some reason one of the static hosts had been commented out and this locked me out of sudo/su. Tricky. Had to go into recovery mode and take out the comment mark in 'Vi'

        But for Network settings (which i can now alter easily) :

        ath0 (router i assume) and eth0 (wireless card i take it?)
        eth0 has IP of (IP addresses go from .100-.149)
        ath0 has no IP address but I notice it has a space for a WEP key.
        (surely that should be in the eth0? Since ath0 created the WEP keys with my assigned password... ?)

        Default Gateway for eth0 is

        DNS is the ISP's (AoL) 205.188.x.x

        Two static hosts: localhost and linux

        profiles are blank.

        I think ath0 and eth0 are round the wrong way. Is this possible?
        As it sounds like my router is asking my eth0 for a WEP key, when it should be the other way round, as WEP is turned ON in the router.

        Again, any help would be appreciated as i'm a networking DUNCE


          Re: su error and internet browsing problems

          think i may have solved the problem of the slow browsing!

          when i mentioned the ath0 asking eth0 for a WEP key instead of the eth0 asking ath0 for one i went into windows and turned OFF WEP encryption on the router and...


          Full speed browsing, once again, in Kubuntu.

          So it seems as though Kubuntu has problems with WEP encryption...


            Re: su error and internet browsing problems


            I experience the opposite situation: the web browsing and e-mail work just fine but the FTP (via gftp or konqueror) is damn slow. I have kubuntu/ubuntu Dapper 6.06.1 installed.

            Is there a workaround ?



              Re: su error and internet browsing problems

              Sometimes if you're using a router, there can be slowdowns if uPNP is enabled, espeically from Linux. I've found this true with Azureus both in Windows and in Linux. If I disable the uPNP, then portforward whatever ports I want, I have much better results.

              It's worth looking into.


