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move /home to larger 2nd SATA drive?

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    move /home to larger 2nd SATA drive?

    I installed Kubuntu 6.06 LTS to a 74G Raptor 10K SATA drive (/dev/sda) and let the installer automatically set up the partition table using LVM. After configuring the system, I added a 300 GB Maxtor SATA (/dev/sdb) drive so that I can create a new /home file system on that drive.

    I have been able to do everything except mount the temporary /home2 file system on the new /dev/mapper/Ubuntu-home2_lv LV. It keeps giving me error messages about a bad superblock on the LV and the options not being correct. I made sure the options match those of the existing / file system on the Raptor drive.

    I am an experienced AIX administrator and I must admit that the Linux LVM is nothing like IBM's AIX LVM, so please forgive me if this post sounds very elementary.

    I would appreciate any advice about best practices from you Linux LVM experts out there.

    Thanks in advance!
