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Need Advice!!

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    Need Advice!!

    OK. I waited until the Official release to remove my Windows partition all together. I was able to install with no problems. Started reconfiguring back to what I had under Beta. Keep in mind that this is a whole new install and repeating step by step what I did under Beta. All is working great! I have everything back except these few things below. Thanks for any help or info!! This machine is free of any MS stuff, and I'm thankful of that!

    First: I can't get AMAROK 1.4 to install without breaking KDE. Don't know why. I did everything the same as last time. Why am I having this problem?

    Second: I still get this following error when starting KWRITE from terminal. Please don't tell me to remove references in xorg.conf. I spent 2 hours in Recovery mode so I didn't have to reinstall a fifth time!! Due to removing references in that very file - of which I did under Beta with out the lock up I occur. So, why the following error. This is from a clean fresh install.

    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
    Major opcode: 145
    Minor opcode: 3
    Resource id: 0x0
    Failed to open device
    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
    Major opcode: 145
    Minor opcode: 3
    Resource id: 0x0
    Failed to open device
    Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
    Xlib: No protocol specified

    kdeinit: Can't connect to the X Server.
    kdeinit: Might not terminate at end of session.
    Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
    Xlib: No protocol specified

    kded: cannot connect to X server :0.0
    kded: ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Registering failed!
    kded: ERROR: Communication problem with kded, it probably crashed.

    Re: Need Advice!!

    re. Amarok: Have you upgraded to KDE3.5.3? I think that will solve your amarok problem. At least my amarokl is merrily playing Sky-FM. Help>About Amarok says "Amarok 1.4.0 (using KDE 3.5.3)".

    re Kwrite: I ;have #ed out all of the wacom junk (if that's what your referring to) and Kwrite starts up fine for me from the konsole. It generates a little message saying "ScimInputContextPlugin() on startup and ~ScimInputContextPlugin() on the way out, but that's about all.


      Re: Need Advice!!

      Sorry, I did get Amarok working after that was posted.

      The second part I haven't touched again because I did "#" out those things, but when I've booted the machine it hangs. I traced it back to my "#"ing those things out. It took me forever to get it to reboot without reinstalling. That would have made it about the fifth time for reinstall (all others were due to me, not Dapper). Did I not "#" them correctly? I don't know. Any other suggestions?


        Re: Need Advice!!

        If you commented out everything starting with "Section ... and ending with the line "EndSection" in all 3 wacom sections, you did the right thing. If you commented out anything else, you may or may not have done the right thing depending on what you commented out.

        I don't have any additional suggestions, but I do have a question. Does this happen to any other KDE program? If so, it is a more general problem than just kwrite. If not, I suggest you change your editor to Kate. The omission of the kwrite icon from the standard Kubuntu menu was deliberate, they want people to switch to kate.


          Re: Need Advice!!

          Thanks! I was looking at that file and I think I know where I went wrong. Towards the end there are mentions of wacom again and I didn't comment those out when I did last time. I'll give it another go.

          Thanks about the info on KATE and KWRITE.


            Re: Need Advice!!

            me stupid!!!
            Can't have comments inside of comments. That's where my problem was. The file had comments at the end of some of the lines that I commented out. Seen that before. Should have known. Something in the back of mind kept saying that, I didn't listen.

            I still get this, but someone wrote me a while back about this so I'm OK. KATE gave something similar, but not as long.

            Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
            Xlib: No protocol specified

            kdeinit: Can't connect to the X Server.
            kdeinit: Might not terminate at end of session.
            Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
            Xlib: No protocol specified

            kded: cannot connect to X server :0.0
            kded: ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Registering failed!
            kded: ERROR: Communication problem with kded, it probably crashed.


              Re: Need Advice!!

              I think (I could be wrong) that the first lines "xlib ..." are due to the fact that you're starting an graphic program from the command line and that the Xserver is complaining. The rest of the errors may be a consequence of that one. Have you tried starting Kate from the Kmenu?


                Re: Need Advice!!

                That could be true. It does start fine from the menu and the Run Command bar. I only do that out in the Konsole under sudo so I can directly edit my configuration files that I need to edit. I basically do that so I can learn the command line more for "emergency" needs (when I screw something up, and I have). Like I said I can live with those few errors now. Before the commenting out of lines it was way too long. I appreciate the help, feedback and stuff. Thanks!


                  Re: Need Advice!!

                  If you want to start a GUI program with administrator privileges start it from the GUI. Right click on the desktop. Then click on "run command". In the single line window that comes up, type "kdesu kwrite" or whatever. Kdesu is the equivalent, for graphical programs, of sudo for CLI programs.

                  The editor to use from the command line is called nano (it's derived from a Unix editor called pico). It's reasonably self explanatory and it has a better help file than most Linux programs. So, if you want to edit a file owned by root, you can try either "sudo nano <system_file>" from a konsole or "kdesu kate <system_file>" from a graphical desktop.


                    Re: Need Advice!!

                    Thanks! Didn't know about nano. I'll give it a try. Also, thanks for the clarification of sudo and kdesu. I was wondering about that.

