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Dapper installation experiences

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    Re: Dapper installation experiences

    Glad you're learning a lot. Regarding MP3s, the steps to enable MP3  playback in Ubuntu and Kubuntu are different, because Ubuntu/GNOME uses GStreamer, while GStreamer is broken in KDE so Kubuntu is forced to use xine. In Kubuntu it is easy, just install the libxine-extracodecs from the multiverse repositories and your set to go. Of course, for other formats such as MOV, WMA, etc, you need to do something else.

    Also, you do know that you could always change the color schemes, window decorations, icons, and widget styles of KDE so that it could look like the GNOME-ish color/style you want? But anyway, your choice on what to use. GNOME or KDE or Xfce, whatever you are happy with.

    My personal take: I like KDE far better than GNOME, and for me KDE has everything I need/want. Although I have to admit that if you put Kubuntu side by side with Ubuntu, it's obviously clear that Ubuntu is more polished, more dapper (the adjective). But that's just comparing Ubuntu's GNOME and Kubuntu's KDE, not GNOME and KDE themselves. Maybe some other more KDE-focused distro might feel a bit more polished. But that's just my own opinion.

    Btw, I just might do a complete reinstall of Dapper. I currently have 1196 packages installed (that's after I removed over 50 unused ones) and I don't know how they got there. I'm not sure I want to see those many packages even if they don't take up that much disk space, especially if I don't have any need for them. Anyone can point me on how to use deborphan properly?

    Last question: how many packages are installed by default on a fresh install of Dapper? I somehow forgot to take note when I made a test install of Dapper RC.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: Dapper installation experiences

      hi all.
      my experience:
      downloaded dapper 6.06 lts, burned, booted.

      first problem:
      before booting the live environment i checked the cd using the option in the startup menù. the file /casper/splashfs does not match!!
      i tried to let kubuntu boot and it hangs on starting kde.
      i've seen that on another computer the cd check is perfect, so this is my question: is it possible that kubuntu .iso is not readable on NEC cd readers ?
      my answer is: yes, i've changed the cd drive and everithing go well.

      second problem:
      in the live environment everithing works fine, network as well. after installation on HD my ethernet board is detected but i'm not able to connect anymore. installation has changed something and i don't know what (configuration seems to be right).
      i'm still trying to fix this problem.


        Re: Dapper installation experiences


        Check your NIC chipset with lspci and if it is a Davicom / tulip, then this may be just what you need:



          Re: Dapper installation experiences

          it worked!!

          i love you rcnmar!!


            Re: Dapper installation experiences

            Originally posted by Jucato
            Last question: how many packages are installed by default on a fresh install of Dapper? I somehow forgot to take note when I made a test install of Dapper RC.
            I cant know how to count it. Once I go back home, i will look at synaptic to see.


              Re: Dapper installation experiences

              Originally posted by reyfer
              Wow, so many bad experiences, so I think mine is an exception?

              I am sure that anyone experiencing trouble with the new version is actually the exception, and not those with the good experiences. I am thinking that the majority of people have had no trouble and they are happily working away on their shiny new *buntu systems. They have no reason to come and post anything to the forums because they are busy tweaking and installing new doodads and such.


              I am glad that you got it going!! You made me smile!!


